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"It's similar to SAUL'S STORY" he replied waters were laced in his eyes now, though not quite visible, "I need to rest my voice, and visit the toilet, I'll attend to you later, STAY FOCUSED LADS" He excuses them and made his way to the toilet.

While in the toilet, he picked his phone and called his wife, "Sayo, how are you doing" he asked.

"Ha, Daddy, I wanted to call but I was very busy ni oo" Mrs. Ojewale replied.

"Hmm, that's how you tell me everyday, how's your conference" Pastor Kola asked.

"It has been spirit filled but stressful sir"

"Hmm, Sayo, when will you come home" Pastor Kola asked.

"I will soon, Daddy, as soon as I leave Congo next week, I'll head straight to a 2 weeks intensive training in Canada, and from there I'll go to the final conference in the U.S for three weeks, I'll be home soon, after these events at least I'll live with you for some days, before I'll head on to Cameron afterwards" she speaks continually and gets no reply from her husband, "Daddy, are you still there?".

"Hmm, the Lord will be with us. Amen" he terminated the call afterwards and sat on the Water Cistern, meditating.


"Sister Tayo, this is not the first or second time oh" Two Sisters in the church premises , Sister Rachel and Sister Tayo discussing.

"You know that the bible warns us not to Judge even somewhere in the book of James 4, specifies it" Sister Tayo replies.

"He he he" she claps her hands, "Pastor Mrs. Tayo, have I ever given you a wrong information?" Sis. Rachel defends.

"I know but, we're talking about a man of God here, hmm, a whole MOG oh, our own Pastor" Sis. Tayo added.

"Ehen, and so?, He's no saint oh, it's God that know true believers, it's just that me I don't like backbiting and gossip, if not I would have told you a long time ago" Sis. Rachel explains.

"Hmm, this is deep oh, but even if so, I can't blame Pastor totally, when Pastor Mrs. is only at home 3 days in 2 Months" Sis. Tayo replied, "I don reach my area, my sister, we'll meet in Church on Sunday".

"Ha, there's service tomorrow oh sister" Sis. Rachel said.

"With this one I just heard?" Sis. Tayo exclaimed "sister, let me be going to my house, you you're Jesus' sister, so you must go to church".

"Just remember to be faithful, holy and don't backbite, judge or gossip oh" Sis. Rachel shouted as Sis Tayo was already on her way home.


"Sir, today's shoot was thoroughly blessed and special, even the cast enjoyed it" the Director speaking with the Pastor after the day's shoot.

"It's with the help of God though, he's Emmanuel" Pastor Kola replied.

"Ha, but Pastor is such a thing possible, that because of Adultery, God will forsake his beloved?" The Director asked.

"Ehen now, it is true oh, because God does not relate with sin, so neither can he relate with sin" Pastor Kola replied.

"But look at David, Pastor, his sins were greater than that of the man you played in the movie" he enquires further.

"Those are discussions for another day, get things ready for tomorrow, we're going to shoot all the night scenes once" Pastor Kola said.

"Yes sir" he replied.

"Order everyone out and tell Sis. Esther to lock the door after you" he instructed and the director left immediately, taking everyone out with himself.


"Pastor, I've Pleaded with you multiple times sir, have mercy on me, consider the will of God for my life sir, and leave your child undisturbed".

We're coming back fully, we're still bringing the pieces together, may God help us all do our parts. Thanks for the love and care guys. Pls, Vote, like, and share, may God bless you as you do so.


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