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Dark pools of blood ran across the carpet, slowly being absorbed into the fabric. It was thick and the feeling was sickening on Simon's skin. He pressed hard on his mother's wound as she slowly lost consciousness.

Tears blurred his vision when he heard another gunshot ring in his ears. The crack as his father hit the floor was unbearably terrifying, but all he could do was keep his eyes on his mother.

Loud, intentional footsteps rocked the house as a man with silver and purple hair walked towards the stairs and threw the limp body of Simon's father down. There were no cries or groans of pain, just the loud THUMP of the man hitting the ground.

"D-dad-" Simon whimpered, his vision still blurry, he had no time to lift his hands to wipe his tears away, they were covered in blood anyways.

The man stepped over his father's limp body, stalking towards Simon who stared at him with wide eyes. Panic rose up in his chest before the man knocked him out of the way with a kick to the chest.

He turned the barrel of his gun to Simon's mother, and with a loud shot, she was gone. Simon screamed at the top of his lungs, spreading his wings and moving to attack the man, but he was shoved down and kicked repeatedly, his wings tore like paper as he lay still, his vision blurry with blood and tears.

"If only you were full grown, I would've mounted your head on my wall."

Simon passed out from blood loss, the last thing he heard was the click of his parents killer reloading his gun.

I know this chapter is very short for being the first chapter but I promise this is not how the rest of the chapters will be, all regular chapters will be aiming for 1200 words at the minimum! Chapter One should prove that to you. I also want this first chapter to serve as a warning, this story could prove to be unsettling or uncomfortable for some readers as it features quite a lot of gore and disturbing content to go with it! Thank you so much for reading, and welcome to the Masked Children universe 〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2023 ⏰

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