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Alicia stood in the middle of the room, totally confused, staring at the dark seeing nothing in particular. She was lost in deep thoughts in the still silence of the room. Her heart was bitter and ready for revenge.

"This must be the place." She thought. "This must be the house with the address."
"I promised that one day I'll find you. Whatever it takes." She muttered silently.

In the midst of the dark, she saw a firefly past the window, reminding her of her younger sister, Jean, while they were still young, playing at the backyard of their house, chasing after butterflies and ladybirds.

By then, Alicia was twelve years old while her younger sister, Jean, was nine years.

Alicia remembered of how they used to hold hands together, going to the mall, especially at the candy shop while their mother was away.

She remembered of the last  time they played the hide and seek, just the two of them, calling out her sister but she got her own echo in response. She thought it was her usual tricks and normally it would just be a matter of time before she could find her, but this time round she never did. She couldn't find her in all of her usual hideouts.
She tried shouting out her name but still no response.

She heard her sister screaming and on turning around the corner, she saw her sister, tied both hands and legs, struggling to free herself from two men who had kidnapped her. Alicia screamed while chasing after her sister but it was all in vain. The men just swinged her sister to the back of a pickup that was parked nearby and they drove away.
She was only left with her sister's muddy shoes lying just at the conner of the street near their house.
She tried to trace her steps but all she saw were bigger muddy footprints that perhaps seem to be of about three men. She was gone, never to be seen or heard again.

She only found a strip of paper on the ground, after the pickup had left, with an address of a house somewhere in the east side of the city.

Ten years later, she's still trying to find Jean, the address is her last hope, wishing that perhaps it might lead her to Jean. But she's not even sure if Jean is still alive or not. She's not even sure if she still remembers her face. All that matters to her is that she finds her sister alive.

Suddenly there's some engine noise from the outside. Alicia peeped slightly through the window and saw two couples alighting from the truck as they headed towards the same house she was in. She swiftly hid behind the long curtains and waited for the two to enter the house.

Alicia felt a tense cool breeze inside the room immediately the door was opened.
The two entered the house, switching on the lights as they continued with their conversation.

"Honey I'm so tired today, can you help me just a little in the kitchen???" The lady asked.

Hoping to finish it sooner..........

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2023 ⏰

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