led on

17 3 2

Everytime I see you
I always wonder if
You ever think about me
No, I don't want to be self-centred
It's just curiosity burning like fire
Within my brain
That is mere seconds
From exploding with thoughts of you
Once upon a time
No, once upon a friendship
I meant everything to you
When you felt lost
I was your map, your star
That led you to your destination
When you felt vulnerable
I was like a warm blanket
Wrapped around your heart-
When the world's cold blows
Gravitated towards your direction .
When you needed laughter
I put on a clown's mask
To make you happy
You left me when I needed you the most
When I felt lost
All I received was silence
That could compete with the grave
When I felt vulnerable
You kept your chin up
And walked away
As though I were inconspicuous
Like a ghost
And when I needed laughter
You gave it to her instead
She cried tears of joy
I cried tears of pain
Thank you
For leading me on.

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