Green and brown

12 3 2

Let me take you on a walk
Let me show you the other side
Of the green grass
Let me show you
The brown soil and anchored roots
Let me show you the secret to success
Everyone wants the green side of the grass
No one wants the brown side
No one wants the sweat and blood
No one wants the tears and pain
Embodied in the brown soil
But sweetheart,  tell me
How can you be successful
If you have never felt humiliated?
If you have never cried till your eyes
Could no longer support the pain?
If you have never had to taste
The bitter drink of failure?
The grass is green because it has the roots
And the brown soil
Filled with nutrients
You become happier my darling
when you have revelled in sadness at one point in life
You become peaceful my darling
When you have experienced
Chaotic storms and hurricanes
That nearly wrenched you
From your foundation
Yes, the grass is green
Before it was ever green
It was brown
Embrace the process.

Me trying to encourage myself lmaoooo😭

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