Chapter 13

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At the park ,a couple are kissing passionately each other like no tomorrow .Then the girl pulled away and it is revealed to be Ako and the boy was Kanata .

"We should tell others about us ."Ako told Kanata as she strokes his hair .

"Why ?"He said .

"I don't like keeping us a secret ."She said .

"Um Maybe ."He whispered in her ear and kissed her earlobe .

"Stop it ."

Then suddenly her phone rang .And she get up to pick it .After some minutes she returned with a sad face .

"Who was it ?"He asked .

"Its my parents again ."

"What happened now ?"

"Just forget it ."She replied .

"Oka-" He cut off as she kisses him again and he responds quickly .


I was walking in the garden still thinking about the kiss .Its been days and we hadn't seen each other .Then heard someone calling me .

"Ms.Nijino ."I turned around and saw Mr.Sakura standing there in a well trailer suit .

"Mr.Sakura .Hello ."I bowed to him .

"Hello Ms.Nijino .If you have some time I would like you to come with me ."He requested .

"Yeah ,sure ."I replied .

Then he escort me to his BMW limousine .After half an hour we arrived at a big castle like mansion .We went inside then he take me to his office room .There I saw Ms.Kanami with a girl nearly my age siting on the couch and a boy probably 3 years older than me was against the wall .

"Yume .Its so good to see you again ."Ms.Kanami said as she engulf me into a hug .

"Its also good to see you again too Ms.Kanami ."I told her .

"Yume meet my son Kai and daughter Kira ."I waved them a hi .

"Kids meet Yume ,your cousin ."I froze at the stop as I turned to her and Mr.Sakura .

"Yes Yume .That's right you are my niece ."Mr.Sakura told me .

"What ?" I asked . "My parent don't have any other family member ."

"No that's not true .I am you mother's older brother and you are my own niece ." Mr.Sakura informed me .

"How ? Why did they tell me about it ?"I started to panic .

"Yume Yume Don't be panic look at me ."Ms.Kanami said .

After some time I relaxed .Ms.Kanami handed me water and I sat on the couch .After that Mr.Sakura started to tell me everything .

"Your mother Kyoko was in her sophomore year in her school when she met Masaru your father .They had a group project together so they spent a lot of time with each other .After one year they fell in love with each other .I knew that but I didn't tell our parents about it .Then out of my expectation my parents somehow knew about Kyoko and Masaru's affair and announced her engagement with some dad's business partner's son .Kyoko completely gone ballistic and had a huge fight with mom and dad .They didn't approved your father because he was from a middle class family .I could help her but I didn't ,I was so weak and young back then .I didn't had enough strength to go against my parents so I just kept my mouth shut up .On day of her engagement ,when I went to her room to get her to the party .I found her letter saying that she had run away and was never going to come back .When I told about it to mom and dad ,they were so angry at her that they disowned her from the family .That was it ,I completely lost it .I yelled at them that how could they do that to her own daughter .Ever since then I had been looking for her but I couldn't found her .When I saw you at the tournament .I saw the my sister in you .You were just like her .I want to confirm that you are my niece .I told my P.I. to collect information about you .And I was turned out to be right you are a niece and also a Sakura successor ."Mr.Sakura informed me .

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