Head Cannon #7

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Tygren has a pet baby magma cube named M.C..

How he acquired said pet is unknown. 

And no one really knows if M.C. stands for Magma Cube or Mountain Chamomile (that's his favorite tea flavor).

M.C. however, is not afraid to push Tygren off of his bed and steal it during the day.


M.C. : *tiny baby magma cube noises, nudges Tygren*

Tygren: *pulls his pillow over his head* ... go away.

M.C. : *makes frustrated noises*

M.C. : * pushes Tygren off of his bed*

*30 seconds later*

Tygren: *holding M.C. Over a tub of water like it's some kind of sacrifice to some kind of water god*

M.C. : * panicked squeaking, but it sounds smug for some reason*

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