Chapter 20

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"There you are!". We both shared a confused look. As One, both of us stepped through the open door onto the neighborhood street. It didn't take long to spot the source of the noise. I saw Anthony just a few yards down the road. He ran up to us.

I was happy to see him, because he lived in a different district, it wasn't very often that we saw Anthony anymore but he was certainly a welcome guest in our homes whenever he came over. After stopping a few steps away, Anthony hunched over to catch his breath.

After he caught his breath, he looked up at us with a wide grin. "Hey guy and gal, I was just at your house Cove, but no one was there. I should've figured you'd be at Kate's house. Do you ever spend time in your own home or are you just always at her house?".

Anthony laughed at his own joke. He either didn't notice the embarrassed look on Cove's face or he just didn't care. Anthony turned to me as if he was going to say more. His eyes widened and he gasped. "What's that?".

My eyes followed his gaze. I then realized what he was talking about. "It's a gift from Mr. Monroe". Anthony's eyes lit up "Cool! Can I have some". I told him he could have some later if he let my family enjoy it first.

"Anyway, I came here because I needed to say something important!" He paused, possibly for effect. "Theres a new kid in Naterie!". Cove was as surprised as I was by the news. Such a reaction made sense, no one around our age has moved here since Cove did five years ago.

"Were they with their family? Maybe they were just cutting through". Cove said, hoping to not have anyone new. "Hope, he was by himself, walking all by himself". I got excited "Did you talk to him Anthony?".

Anthony shook his head "Nope! I came here straight away to report my sightings! The kid had pink hair, glasses, he was pretty small, he seemed really upset about something though! I hope he didn't leave or anything!". I blinked slowly, I looked over at my long time neighbor.

"That sounds like how you were when you first got here Cove!". He had a smile on his lips "It kinds does, doesn't it?". Anthony snickered good-naturedly. "I can see that really well, now that you said so, Kate".

Anthony grinned, he pointed down the street from where he came "Let's go talk to him!". Nothing else needed to be said. The three of us headed off, with Anthony leading the way.

Anthony brought us to the beach, and as a trio, we made our way down the shore to the old playground. I walked the familiar path in a comfortable silence.

When we were almost there, I spotted the kid in question. His brightly colored pink hair almost shone like a beacon underneath the bright sun. He scuffled around, kicking up the sand as he paced back and fourth. He certainly seemed upset, but I don't think he was sad.

With his erratic movements and scrunched up face, he came off as angry. I was curious about him, and what he was so mad about. Anthony must've felt the same way because he waved wildly, calling out to the boy.

"Hey, guy! Over here!". The kid whipped around, an impressive scowl carving deeper onto his face. His eyes were tired, but a strong hostile energy still radiated from the boy.

"What. What is it. What do you want?". The sharp tone made Anthony flinch. He shifted on his feet. "Uh what's your name?". The boy scoffed "Tyler, is that all?". Anthony frowned. "No. I'm Anthony, that's Kate, and that's Cove. We were just walking around and saw you. We wanted to say hi".

I decided to take some of the pressure off of Anthony, So I spoke up "there's not many kids out age here besides our families". Strangely, Tyler grew furious by my response. If steam could erupt from a person's ears, it would've happened then.

"They did bring me somewhere stupid. Of course! I knew it!". Cove was taken aback "What?.." Tyler snapped at Cove. "My parents! They're the ones who brought me. I didn't walk to this dumb little town.! Can you not figure that out on your own!?".

Anthony smiled at the raging boy. "Cool! My dad brings me here to Naterie all the time when he has to come for work! It's not that bad". That earned a glare from Tyler. Anthony winced beneath it, glancing away. It was a struggle for me to maintain a friendly nature with this kid.

"I'm sorry, I probably wouldn't wanna come here for a vacation either". Tyler crossed his arms with a huff. He turned away. "This isn't even a vacation, it's a waste of time, if they wanted to visit family they should've gone by themselves". I frowned at the boy.

"You shouldn't talk about your parents like that, Tyler". "What do you know about my parents!? Have you met them! No! Some parents are criminals! But I guess us brainless children have to be nice to parents! Being rude to s parents is the worst thing in the world". I stuttered for s second before responding "That's not what I meant...".

"Close enough! You be their kid and I'll take your mom and dad! Only someone with really easy parents would say something so stupid". Cove looked like he was ready to kill the kid "Kate's not stupid!" I looked at Cove and smiled at him for defending me.

"For your information pink haired weirdo. I have two mom's." Tyler rolled his eyes "Same thing!". I turned to Cove, lowering my voice. "The two of you aren't that similar after all". Tyler must've had good hearing because he caught our small conversation.

"Uh, of course we aren't similar, I'm not a freak with a huge scar on my arm". Cove's cheeks flushed crimson at the insult. I couldn't be sure if it was out of embarrassment or anger.

"Apologize to Cove right now! You can't treat people like that!". Cove smiled weakly at my attempt to defend him.

"Okay. I'm sorry your scar is so ugly". I crossed my arms over my chest. I was really getting tired of this rude person. Anthony gritted his teeth "Wow, what is wrong with you Tyler?". Instead of taking offence to Anthony's words, Tyler simply repeated them in a mocking tone.

"This is so dumb" Tyler stuck out his tongue before turning around and walking away, throwing more sand up when he walked. I turned to Cove "Your scar is beautiful, don't let him get to you, your scar is what makes your life so much more exciting than his". Cove's cheeks flushed with crimson again.

|:|~Authors Note~|:|

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Words: 1168

Published: 1/18/23

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