Chapter 28

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I was alone with Cove in the RV, the adults and my siblings were outside packing. He took a seat beside me on the couch, my cheeks warmed a little. Being this close to him never failed to feel exciting.

I had seen Cove every single day for the past five years, but seeing him in a jacket in summer was a rare occasion. It was a simple difference from his normal style, yet I couldn't help noticing the way he looked right now.

It looked great on him. In fact, Cove always looks nice. When Cove cleared his throat, my eyes snapped to his. He had an eyebrow raised and had clearly caught me staring at him. "Is everything okay?".

I was stumbling over words in my head. "Yeah...You just look really good". Cove immediately blushed at the unexpected compliment. "What?".

He didn't say anything more than that one-word question. I decided to elaborate further. "I hardly ever see you wearing a jacket in summer". Cove shrugged.

"I like wearing as few layers as possible. It's easier that way, I'd rather be cold than extra hot. It's kind of a pain to carry extra clothes around. My parents made me bring this jacket".

I smiled at Cove "I like wearing as little layers as possible and accessories too, that's probably why my closet is so full at home". Cove smiled lightly at me and nodded.

I asked him what he liked to see others wear. "So Cove, what type of clothes or accessories do you like to see on somebody other than you?". Cove's eyes widened at the question and his defensive reply seemed to slip out before he had the chance to properly think about it. "Nothing!".

I thought that was funny. A snort of laughter escaped me, and even though Cove's face flushed red, I could see the hint of a smile on his lips too.

"Come on, that's not what I meant". I composed myself and sat up straight, all traces of laughter disappearing from my face. "Answer with what you do mean then. Isn't there anything at all you think looks good when you see it on someone?".

Cove mumbled an answer under his breath and I couldn't quite catch the words. He was having a difficult time with the subject. "I swear I won't make fun of you Cove". Cove seemed pretty grumpy at my statement, but I wasn't ready to give up so easily.

Cove sighed and looked down at his lap where he was fidgeting with his hands, still reluctant to give an answer. "I guess...skirts and tattoos". I snorted "Skirts?".

Cove frowned at me. "I'm not making fun of you Cove, I'm just surprised". Cove rolled his eyes "There's just something fun and...flurry about skirts and tattoos".

I wiggled my eyebrows "So you think they're sexy?". Cove screeched "What!? No! I can't believe you'd even use that word to describe it!". Cove had been absolutely scandalized by my statement, I could only laugh.

When he said nothing else, I took a moment to gather my own thoughts. Just then the rest of the group entered the RV and got settled into their seats for the trip ahead.

Two hours later, We left the cabin at eight pm, Cove was upset because he wanted to stay there for a longer period of time. It was Mom's turn to drive, she decided to pull over into a rest stop so we could sleep.

Ma was closing the windows while everyone else got ready for bed, saying goodnight to the others as she made her way to the back room. Giving a look across the front of the RV, I noticed almost everyone there was already dozing off where they were, with Cove having completely fallen asleep curled up in the passenger's seat.

He must've done so while Mom was driving, they decided to not disturb him. Mom was the only one up there awake, flipping through a magazine next to a portable light from her spot on the couch. It seemed Mr.Monroe needed to sleep despite his fight against sleep.

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