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Amy P.O.V

So i arrive home, thanks Jesus my mom is sleeping, and Laura is also sleeping. I go to my room and i cannot stop thinking in reagan, she is so perfect, she is funny and super hot and lesbian.... then my thoughts were interrupt by a buzz of my phone

R: u home?

A: yeah, safe at home XD

R: im glad cuttie

Dear lord, every time she tells me cuttie my heart stop! This girl is going to kill me

R: do you wanna hang out with me someday?

A:though you'll never ask ;)
Wait. Did i just send that? Fuck, fuck, fuck, she'll think im a weirdo, and where did this confidence come from?

R:cool, btw just for the record how old are u ?

A: 16 and you?

R: 19, so i guess u still at highschool right?

A: yes, but that isnt a problem right?

R: calm down cuttie, im totally ok with it.

A: r u in college?

R: yes, freshman

A: cool :)

A: i would like to hang out with you.

R: awesome. i have to let you sleep. Goodnight cuttie x

Omg she not only tell me cuttie this time she send me a kiss!!!!

A: night reagan x

Oh dear Jesus, i dont know how to feel this is amazing!! I have a date!!! I need to text my bestfriend karma, i need to tell her!! She had always called me to talk about liam booker, now is my turn

A: karmaaaaa!!!

K:amyyyyy!! Sup? What are you doing up so late?

A: i met someone :)

K: forget about the hour!! Tell me everything!

A: thats why i texted you dummy

K: ok so what gender?

A:she's a girl

K: where did you met her?

A: you wont believe it but i go to a club with shane and she was the dj

K: just that? Come on amy i want details!!!

A: ok, ok. She talk to me before her shift of dj she told me to go up with her when i want, than shane convince me to do it, and i go we flirt, we talk, she is gay, i am gay so thats what happens

K: OMG did she ask you to hang out?

A: yes.

K: ok so we will talk tomorrow at school gotta go, i am texting with liam and i cannot handle two conversations at the time

A: night

Ok i have to sleep, come on amy sleep, i just cant stop thinking about reagan, she is so mysterious but at the same time open, she might be latin, she is tanned, brown eyes, her hair is crazy is kinda purple but that makes her look even hotter.
I cant wait for tomorrow i should thank shane at school.
I dont even realize when i fall asleep.
Karma: Amy wake up!!!!

Fuck, i still dont know why i give karma the keys of my house.

Amy: karma remember me why do i give you the keys of my house.

Karma: very funny, because you dont want me to enter by your window remember?

Amy: just 5 more minutes

Karma: we gotta go school amy, besides liam booker is waiting for me at school.

Dammit i know liam is kinda her boyfriend but now this is pissing me off, wait my phone buzz, who might be?

R: morning cuttie :)

Oh gosh she is so amazing, i have to answer

A: morning ray :)

Suddenly i heard karma talking about liam again it just get annoyed so i will take a shower and get dressed.
After a while when i finish getting dress i enter to my room and watch karma reading my textes

Amy:Karma what are you doing?

Karma: isnt obvious? I am checking who this reagan girl is

Amy: i know we are best friends but i need privacy, you have no right to do that.

Karma: ok ok, calm down.

Amy: lets go, otherwise we are going to be late and miss our first class

Reamy (faking it)Where stories live. Discover now