its official

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Amy P.O.V

We were on our way to a special restaurant Reagan want to take me. Reagan is driving but i have to admit that she looks hot even doing that.

Amy: can I ask you something?

Reagan: sure, tell me

Amy: when did you discover you were? You know


Amy: yes

Reagan: Well I kind of knew all the time, I do never have feelings for any boys and that was weird.I even date a couple of guys just to prove myself that i was wrong but the thing was that I never felt anything for them

Amy: big out and proud Reagan with a boyfriend? Hahahahaha the poor guy

Reagan: hey! Since when you are so sarcasticly rude.

Amy: sorry.

Reagan: I was on the middle of my monologue of gettong out of the closet

Amy: sorry bae.

Then i dont know why but i kiss her cheek because she was trying to be serious. "Sorry" i say meanwhile i climb to her legs and kiss her other cheek then Reagan parked the car because it was to distracting "sorry" i keep saying meanwhile i kiss her neck

Reagan: you know this is super dristracting right?

Amy: really? I have none idea

And i kiss her her neck again, then i feel her hands in my waist hugging me like if i would go anywhere then she slow down her hands and put them on my ass. I dont knew this part of me, what is happening right now, then i put my hands in her hair and kiss her in the lips, and the kiss everytime deepens thd most, she is such a great kisser and we do really syncronize ourselves like if we were meant to be. Then i put my lips in her ear and whisper to her "i like you" but i knew that I just want to tempt her by putting my breast super near to her. Than she kiss me and respond "i like you too"

Reagan: i know we would really like to continue this make out session but we are late, and i made some reservations

I put some puppy eyes and say

Amy: can we just stay here and continue.

Reagan: i would like to but we cant

Amy: ok you party breaker

Reagan peck my lips and turn on the car. It was an akward silence at first because i feel ashamed because i had never done that before. I think reagan notice that because then she put her hand in my thigh and my heart starts to race.

Reagan: what about you shrimps?

Amy: me what?

Reagan: how did you come out?

Amy: well is kindda of a long story

Reagan: and i would really like to hear every word.

Amy: ok, so i have this best friend that i was in love with. And we were best friends since 4th grade and we do everything together but one day one guy, shane, remember? My gay friend of the club? He outed us, and we start to be popular for being lesbians even though we werent, but my friend like all that popularity and meanwhile we were faking a relationship she met Liam booker, the typical douchbag whose dream is to have sex with a lesbian and they got in love or something like and................................

Reagan: wow shrimps your like has many more drama than mine

Amy: yes *i hesitate* i think so

Reagan: just to be clear, you slept with liam?

Reamy (faking it)Where stories live. Discover now