A silly ending

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Maisie and the kids teleport back to their time*

They sighed

Rubinia: Hey Dice, maybe we should tell your girlfriend that you saved a goose.

Dice: How is she going to find out?

Sour Sweet talks to Sunny Flare , Indigo Zap , Sugarcoat and Lemon Zest

Jenny looks at herself and gasped happily

Jenny- Yay I'm human again!

Butch looks: Us too!

Jenny- And Tito is still into fat chicks

They laugh.

Tito huffs*

Maisie: Hey sour sweet, your boyfriend saved a goose!

Sour Sweet- wait really ?

Dice: Yep. Almost got his head chopped off.

Sour Sweet- Wow !

Her eyes sparkled in amazement

She hugs him*

She kisses his cheek.

Dice chuckles*

Then they see Panthy Kairel and Bruma- hanging out

Shrimp: Hey it's those girls.

Crush: Yeah.

The boys jaws dropped and went over to them

Three boys: Helloooooo nurse.

The girls yelped

Maisie: Hi Panthy.

Panthy looks

Panthy- Oh. You must be this Maisie girl your impish father told us about

Maisie: Yep. And these are my friends and my siblings.

The boys dropped their jaws at Panthy Bruma and Kairel.

Panthy- Uh huh... I see

Muskrat: Perhaps you remember Jacinth from the ark.

Panthy- Oh that little guy ? Of course I do

Maisie: Oh just to make you pass out bro, she's my aunt and she's married.

Jacinth is shocked: Wha-What?

Panthy- Snickers friendly

Panthy- Little sucker. Don't get me wrong you're cute and all , but we're somewhat family with those imps , and you are WAY too young for me

Jacinth faints*

Panthy Chuckles

Maisie shrugs*

The end*

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