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"When do I get to come to one of these club meetings?" Chenle questioned, repeatedly nudging his friend's side. "I'm the one who gave you the idea in the first place."

Sitting in the back of their last hour class, the two sat close, whispering so as to not be overheard by their teacher.

"Right now there's barely even a club. If you come now, you'll just see how pathetic we are." Jisung's low tone brought a small smile to the Zhong's face. The comment elicited a miniscule laugh from Chenle, but it was enough to earn a look of pure scorn from their teacher. 

Moving closer to avoid a lecture, Chenle didn't even pretend to be working. Seeing as Jisung's body was a bit taller than his older friend's, he leaned down to accommodate the height difference.

"In a few days when you guys are crazy popular, I'll stop by for a visit." The Chinese patted his friend's leg before his hand stopped to rest on the Park's thigh.

All thoughts and words escaped the tall boy's brain, leaving him looking stupid and stunned.

Jisung watched the unmoving thing, hoping his cheeks weren't an embarrassing and revealing shade of pink. Clearing his throat, he tried to direct his attention elsewhere. "You won't have time to visit, you've got to hang out with your girlfriend."

Chenle just shrugged, moving close enough that Jisung could feel the Zhong's breath on his ear. "She's important to me, but I've loved you longer."

Statements like these were a constant pain to Jisung. What that incessant kid meant by them, he would never know. Chenle adored his girlfriend, but occasionally he would drop these questionable comments that kept Jisung up for hours on end. The Zhong was a warm kid, he was open and touchy with all, especially Jisung. That was due to years of friendship.

Even more confusing than the boy's actions were how Jisung felt about them. Most times he just felt guilty. Guilty for thinking Chenle could mean anything by them and guilty for wishing he really did. Recently Jisung had just felt conflicted, because what did that all mean for him? Chenle was his best friend, so why was he getting insanely jealous all of the sudden? What about these ridiculous butterflies that he was getting every time the older got close?

So many questions, but not enough time to answer them. 

As the bell rang, Chenle moved to keep his hands back to himself. Glancing to his confused friend, the Chinese just smiled, unaware of Jisung's suffering. "Have fun at your club, I'll pick you up afterwards and we'll hang out."

Making his way to the library, Jisung wasn't surprised to find the regular crowd of his group and an unbothered librarian being the only ones inhabiting the room.

"I really had hope for today." Renjun sighed, eyes on the deserted doorway.

Despite their lack of participants, the three still showed up every day in the odd chance someone took an interest to them. Mostly they just hung out with each other, playing games and actually bonding over the pains of public high school.

"School just barely ended. Give it time." Jeno smiled, typing away on his phone. "Someone could still show up."

As if summoned by those words, a figure appeared in the doorway, casting a dark and menacing shadow on the group. Glancing up, Jeno's smile was immediately shot down, replaced by a grimace. 

"I take it back, let's go home." He groaned, burying his head on the table in front of him.

"Hello, boys." Donghyuck grinned, parading into the room. He glanced from person to person, giving them each a unique greeting. "Renjun. Bean Stalk. Pretty Boy."

"What are you doing here?" Jisung questioned, not sure if he should be complimented or offended by his nickname. 

"You invited me to this little party, remember?" Donghyuck sighed, taking a seat on the table beside an irritated Jeno. "I'm getting paid, might as well."

Glancing around to his group members, Renjun knew the agreed response. "We honestly didn't think you'd show up."

"Well you thought wrong." Shrugging his shoulders, the concept seemed obvious to Donghyuck. "I can't go around giving my testimony for nothing. I have to see if you guys are really worth it."

Eyes wandering the room, a frown appeared on the troublemaker's face. "Your flyer said you'd have food, but I don't see any. Off to a rough start."

All eyes went to Jeno, who just looked away, mumbling to himself. "I got hungry last hour."

Donghyuck tisked, but Renjun could see the concealed smile on his face.

"Snacks aside, we've still got potential." The Huang stood up, putting his hands together. "Technically you're our first club member, so you pick what we do."

"A club, that's so cute." Donghyuck grinned, poking an indifferent Jeno. "We can all dance and sing songs together." 

"That's the dumbest idea I've ever heard." Jeno shook his head, swatting away the assaulting hands. Not even caring to look in the bother's direction, he felt his sanity slipping away. "I could throw you, you know that, right?"

"Go ahead, baby." Donghyuck grinned, the sight making Jeno's blood boil. "You're fun to tease."

Seeing the panic in his friend's eyes, Renjun stepped in, hoping to amend a disaster. 

"Donghyuck, the point of this whole experience is to make a friend." Renjun wasn't sure that was the delinquent's goal with the beefy boy, so he had to put things back on course. "You're here to open up, learn knew things. So tell us about yourself."

Donghyuck took his attention off of the tortured boy to give Renjun a smile. "No."

"No?" Jisung questioned, still not sure what to think about this kid. "What do you mean, no?"

"I mean, I'm not opening up to three strangers who are paying me to be here. It's got to be worth it." Donghyuck smiled, and the three felt their stomachs drop, his plan being revealed. In other words: "I want to learn about you three first."

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