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Unlike the other people in this narrative who are gaining friends by joining the club, Jeno is losing them.

While most people would be disappointed with this fact, the muscled Lee quite literally could not care less. The friends he is losing are people he barely knew, kids he was on the same team with or occassionally saw at the gym that are terrible influences anyway.

He stills sees them around, but feels zero remorse for the sudden estrangement. The biggest idiot of them all is the one that Jeno sees most often. It only makes sense, he's at his house every other day.

The only difference is that he's not there to visit the meathead. Jeno is there for the lovely cousin that the family wants nothing to do with.

When Jeno wants to vacate his own house or Jaemin can't stand the people in his, the two meet up and escape the world in the Na's borrowed attic of a bedroom.

They spend ages up there, talking about any subject that comes to their young minds. Sometimes they'll go on drives, exploring the town or buying decorations to make Jaemin's room feel more like his own.

It's a wonderful arrangement for two boys whose entire list of close friends consist of each other.

Don't get Jeno wrong, he enjoys the other kids in the club and he'd do anything for any of them, but there's just something different about Jaemin. He feels comfortable around him, like he can just be himself. They can be doing nothing and still have the best of times.

Like right now, they're at Jeno's up in his room. The Lee laying across his bed with a content Jaemin seated next to him, back against the headboard.

Atop the shelves on the other side of the room is a television set, one of Jeno's favorite romantic movies playing on the small screen.

After discovering that Jaemin had never heard of the classic, much less seen it, Jeno was appalled, determined to change that.

"Why are men such idiots?" A huff from Jaemin, narrowed eyes on the screen as he fixed the pillow behind him.

The displeasure was amusing to Jeno, who only smiled. "It's a fictional movie. He's supposed to be written like that to bother you." Even though the Lee had watched the movie more times than he could remember, he still managed to get hooked every time. 

Mumbling, the Na cursed the directors for making such a moronic main character. "Well he's doing a great job."

Jaemin honestly wanted to watch the movie, but his gaze kept flitting over to the oblivious boy beside him for longer than he'd like to admit.

The plot was clever and gripping, but Jaemin only focused on his fingers splayed through Jeno's hair, a usual occurrence now. The younger boy was touchy, something that the Lee had learned quickly and obviously enjoyed.

"Jeno?" The sugary boy questioned, softly playing with the locks in his hand. "If your life was one of these movies, how would you want it to go?"

He expected the answer to take some time, unaware that this was something Jeno thought about often. Slightly perking up at the response he was anxious to give, Jeno took his attention off the screen.

Looking up between the ceiling and a curious Jaemin, the Lee smiled. "People always romanticize the big stuff, you know? They want the love at first sight, a dozen roses and hand written poems with words of undying love. There's nothing wrong with that, of course. It's just not what I want."

There was a weight of thought and consideration behind the words, along with a sea of sincerity.

"What do you want, Jeno Lee?" The Na whispered, watching the older boy through his lashes.

Pursing his lips, Jeno's honest answer came slowly. "The little, comfortable things. I want someone that I can do the dishes with, laugh about our days while we fold laundry."

The words were warm, bringing a smile to Jaemin's lips. He was perfectly happy just sitting there, listening.

Though Jeno had thought about his future and the kind of person that would be in it often, these recent months had him daydreaming more than ever. He knew the reason, of course, he had just never said it out loud.

Still, there was a first time for everything.

Lying there beside Jaemin with the sweet boy's fingers in his hair, Jeno was done being subtle.

Sitting up, the usually hesitant part of his brain that told him to keep things to himself was on break, leaving his thoughts unprotected. Catching the younger boy's gaze, Jeno could see the curiosity, the impatience in Jaemin's eyes. They both knew what words were about to leave his mouth, he just needed to let it happen. 

"I want the late night drives and constant little things in my day that remind me of him." Voice growing softer, Jeno's true message came paired with nervous, evading eyes. "Curled up, watching movies together, and all that sweet stuff."

Though Jeno's courage died down as the words went on, Na Jaemin was nothing if not bold.

Staring the older down, he meant the words to come out as a whisper, but they escaped loud and quick from his chest. "I volunteer."

The words brought a smile to Jeno's face, but he said nothing. Still, Jaemin could see something brewing behind those eyes. The Lee sat, practically humming with excitement. Seeing movement, Jaemin's mind raced with possibilities of what the muscled man might do. He expected something big and rushed, waiting for Jeno to sweep him off his feet and take his breath away. 

These extravagant fantasies were crushed under the weight of Jeno's oh-so gentle hands, barely holding the sides of his face, a pair of soft lips lightly pressing against the top of his head. 

Jaemin's insides went to mush, all fuzzy and warm. He was sure his cheeks were flushed pink as the Lee moved back, his light demeanor the opposite of what people would expect.

"I knew it the very moment we met." Jeno whispered, proud of himself for the action and his ability to make the confident boy speechless. The wonderful moments scattered throughout his life; winning the science fair in sixth grade, scoring the much-needed touchdown at his first game, none of them amounted to this, right there, just the two of them. 

A grin appeared as Jaemin collapsed against him, strong arms wrapped tight around his middle. Voice low, Jeno spoke the words he had known for a while. "It's always been you."

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