where corn

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Expunged sits quietly in the 3d realm

I wonder where my weekly batch of corn is at

They think, pondering to himself.

A few hours later

"Ok what's that mother fuckin bitch up to"
"If he doesn't come here with the corn imma explode his farm"

So expung teleports to Bambi's farm

"Bambi. Where's the fucking corn. If you don't have the corn ready, imma blow up this shit, right here, right now."

"But, Expunged, it's in a fucking condition where it can't gro-"

"Give me the corn, NOW."

Bambi becomes SCREWED 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 and fucking insults the living shit out of expungelr in the nicest way ever in a comforting tone 😁😁😁😄😙😄😚🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

"Ok you fucking piece of shit, you fucking crayon, just wait until the corn fucking grows back. If yo traffic cone lookin ass keep bugging me about the weekly corn package, you ain't getting any. Why? Because your expo marker looking ass be annoying more than hell itself, exploding cities like it's no big deal. Imagine the fuckin money you gotta pay, and that oughta be BILLIONS. Now scramble your shitty ketchup bottle ass back to 3d shit realm."

Expunged gets SOOOOO PISSED that she decides to FUCKING EXPLODE THE FUCKING FARM!!!! Bambi looks in terror and becomes even more screwed!!! 😱😱😱😱😭😭😭😭💀💀🥶🥶🥶💀💀💀😱😱😱🥶


"Cause yo bald headed ass be slow on them delivery shit, like BRUHHH, even brobgonal and his short ass legs can do better than you."

Bambi attempts to attack expunged but gets flung into the air at 69mph

Little do you know DAVE WAS WATCHING THIS ENTIRE TIME!!1!1!1!!1!!1!1! 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Expunged notices Dave and throws him into the depths of the 3d realm through a portal

And then expunged goes back to the 3d realm yayyyyyyy

expunged fucking explodes Bambi's farm because yesWhere stories live. Discover now