the poet • 28

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there will come a poet, whose weapon is his word. he will slay you with his tongue, oh lei-oh lai-oh lord.

The heat was excruciating. Dantus was sitting on an uncomfortable stool in the largest nearby market filled with loud people. He wanted to climb under the table and never come out. But there he was, sitting behind a table stacked with his books. He had at least a dozen works by then, and they were selling quickly. Many people came by; most with money, some with things to trade. After hours and hours of fake-smiling and sweating, something quite unusual happened.

A man with a very dark hood came up to his booth. His face was almost entirely covered by the hood, save for his white beard. "Faun."

"Do I know you?" It was more of a genuine question than anything rude or sarcastic. Dantus really thought he might know the man.

"I've come to ask you to write me another book."

The sorcerer. Dantus narrowed his eyes. "No, not unless you pay this time and leave me a copy of the book. What did you even do with that last one, anyway? I'd really like it back. I worked quite hard on it."

"It is in the largest library in Narnia. Cair Paravel. Good luck trying to take it from there."

Cair Paravel. Dantus couldn't even consider it. Could he? He didn't even know if Coralia was still there. There was no reason for him to still be even thinking about her. It was months ago. Many, many months ago. He was positive that she never thought about him anymore. It wasn't as if he hadn't been with other people. Not that he had ever been with Coralia. It was very a different type of feeling.

He needed to grow up and get over it. He was a successful author with money now, he could march right up to the gates of Cair Paravel, buy the book off of them, and leave before Coralia even knew he was there. And if he did see her, there was no reason to panic. When he returned from his thoughts, the sorcerer was gone, replaced by a groundhog trying to buy his entire collection.

That evening, Dantus was sitting in his rocking chair, looking into the fireplace. He'd decided that he would go to Cair Paravel and get his book back. To Hell with old relationships and friends. If he hung onto her for any longer, he would go mad. There was no reason for his emotions to ruin his career.

A few days later he was packing his things. It was a long journey by foot — hoof, in his case — so there was lots to be prepared. Mostly food, all of his savings, and perhaps a few of his unfinished books to pass time.

Over the course of his trip, he stopped in three separate villages to stay in taverns and do some shopping and writing.

When the castle came into view, Dantus grinned with awe. It was everything he'd ever imagined it to be. He exhaled and rolled his shoulders back, preparing to approach the gates.

A minotaur stopped him from entering. "What is your business?"

"I only seek to visit the library."

The minotaur nodded, giving him directions. When he reached the steps of the castle, another guard asked him his business, then escorted him personally to the library.

Dantus was floored at the amount of books that  lined the walls, the ceiling, and — in some areas — the floor.

It would take him weeks to find his book. "Might as well start now." He muttered to himself, heading to find the magic section.

"Book of Incantations, Book of Incantations..." Dantus ran his hand along the spines of each book, looking for the thick brown book.

When he didn't find it, he resigned himself to asking the librarian. The man flicked through his records, and nodded once he found it. "It's been checked out. For some time, actually. I will reach out to who has it and ask her to return it." The librarian told Dantus to return the next day and he would have it back.

Dantus nodded, unable to keep his mind from wandering to who this 'she' was that had his book. Why did she need it?

He left the castle and went down to the city to find an inn. It was still early morning, so he got his room and set off to explore the city.

super short update that's my bad

also completely unedited

dantus being hung up on a situationship from a year ago is so me

also the plans i have for this man >:)

the updates for this story are probably going to get slower bc spring semester is gonna start in a week for me and i also have so many other wips that i have so many more ideas (including arthur pendragon! started her tonight and im so excited)

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