car sick

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Jade's POV:
Today was finally the day that I was going away with Beck! He invited me to meet his whole family in Canada this weekend with him. I woke up with an excited but nervous feeling in my stomach, umm me nervous? Ya right! Since when Do I get nervous, so I just pushed the feeling aside and finished up my last minute packing. While I was waiting for Beck to pick me up I could feel the nerves getting worse! My stomach was doing flips and my hands were all sweaty. I don't know why I felt this way, I mean I was pretty much already going into this weekend knowing that I didn't care what these people thought of me and that I was only there for Beck. When I saw him pull up I automatically forgot about the feeling. Just being in his arms made everything better. After getting everything loaded into his car and kissing for a bit we were on our way to my very first trip to Canada! I really hate Canada! But as dont tell him this, but im only going for him. ah stop it jade, when did you get so sappy

After driving for a while the feeling came back, but this time it wasn't really a nervous feeling anymore, it was a pain and a wave of nausea. This can't be happening! I can't be sick. I've been looking forward to this weekend for so long. I can't let Beck know! That would be so embarrassing! I guess I'll just deal with it and hopefully Beck won't notice. Hey maybe it'll even go away.

Beck's POV:
Jade's been acting pretty strange this whole car ride. She's been unusually quiet, I mean she hasn't even commented on my driving. It's really unlike her. I wanna know what's up but at the same time I don't want to push her into an argument. I want this weekend to go smoothly. It's worrisome enough bringing Jade with all my family, who knows what she'll say. I just don't want us to be arguing on top of all of that. There's so much traffic, making this long trip even longer and the silence with Jade is really starting to get to me.

Jade's POV:
This car ride is grueling! I feel so sick like if I open my mouth to speak to Beck everything I've ever eaten in my life would just come spewing out. As if being this sick in a car isn't bad enough we're stuck in traffic moving about a mile every 20 minutes. It's so frustrating. I just want to break down and cry my stomach hurts so bad, but that's not me. I have to act normal. I'm exhausted, sick, it's starting to get dark, and now it's snowing. There really is nothing good about Canada, I should have known! I don't know how much longer I can do this without telling Beck.

Beck's POV:
This is ridiculous. I've been sitting in traffic for hours and by now it's dark! I'm worried about Jade acting so strange today. I don't know if we should keep driving like this or if I should just get a hotel room for the night. It would be nice if Jade would let me know how she's feeling. I don't think I've ever heard her this quiet. Most people would think its peaceful but I really just think its scary. I wonder what she's thinking in that mind of hers!
"Jade, love do you want to keep driving or do you want to get a room for the night? I don't think this traffic's going to let up any time soon."
-no answer
"Jade what's wrong? Are you angry with me? You've barely spoken a word this whole trip."

Jade's POV:
Just as Beck was asking me if I wanted to stop driving for the night a huge wave of nausea hit me like a ton of bricks. I couldn't move, I couldn't speak, I couldn't think. I felt so bad that he thought I was mad at him. I really didn't want him to think that at all. When it passed I told him in a quiet whisper that I thought we should just get a room for the night. A whisper was all I could seem to get out, and he noticed.
"Jade, are you ok baby?" He asked.
At that point I was too exhausted mentally and physically to keep up my act. I sighed trying not to let my tears escape!
"I'm sorry for acting so rude," I explained.
"I think I'm sick, I really don't feel well."

Beck's POV:
I felt so bad that I hadn't realized sooner that Jade was feeling sick. I don't know how I couldn't tell, she looked pale and clammy and was being so quiet the whole ride. I felt like such a jerk for putting her through this car ride. I could tell that she really wasn't up for much talking, so I just pulled her as close to me as I could and held her while I looked for exit signs with hotels listed. I was trying my hardest to hurry but the snow paired with this traffic didn't make it very easy. I finally found an exit that looked promising and in good timing because just when I started merging off I heard a groan from Jade along with her sick little whisper,
"Beckett please find somewhere soon!"

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