Why Can't You Just Do As You're Told?

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The house shook. The neighbouring houses crumbled to the ground. Bombs. Sirens. Noise.

Rose lay trembling in bed, her hands pressed tightly over her ears, trying to block out the unbearably loud noises. It wasn't working. She could still hear everything.

She cautiously removed her hands from her ears just in time to hear her mother scream "EDMUND"! "GET AWAY FROM THERE"! "PETER"! Before she put her hands back over her ears.

"Mummy"! "Too loud"! The little girl screamed, shaking, tears now in her eyes.

Just at that moment, Susan burst into the room, dragging Lucy behind her, looking around frantically. When she spotted Rose still in bed, she dashed over to her, practically forced her out of bed, and said: "Rosie, there's a bombing going on out there". "We have to go NOW"!!

Rose, immediately understanding, ran from the room, Susan and Lucy no more than a step behind her.

She saw Peter dragging Edmund to the back door, their mother already helping her children out the door, shouting: "The shelter"! "The shelter!"

The family ran across the lawn, towards the shelter in their back garden, and they were no more than a few steps away from the door when Edmund exclaimed: "Wait." "Dad"! Before anyone could stop him, he ran back towards the shaking house.

"EDDY!!" Rose screamed after him. Her screams increased when Peter followed Edmund into the house, shouting, "I'll get him!" Over his shoulder.

Lucy was crying. Rose was screaming. Helen was pushing her daughters  into the shelter.  Once they were all inside, they could do nothing but wait.

The wait was agonizing. Rose fidgeted uncontrollably, Lucy continued to cry, and Susan looked like she was close to tears herself.

The three girls looked up, though, when their mother opened the shelter door, shouted: "Hurry", and in a split second, Edmund was shoved into the shelter, Peter following, screaming at him.

"Why can't you think of anyone but yourself, you're so selfish!" You could have got us killed!".

"Stop it", Helen snapped, still in shock. She carefully lifted Edmund up into her arms. He whimpered, and Rose's heart shattered.

"Why can't you just do as you're told?", Peter mumbled. Edmund looked up at him, putting on his innocent face. Peter scoffed and, without another word, closed the door to the shelter.

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