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The next few days were spent in a very awkward manner. Lucy sulked, Edmund scowled, Peter and Susan tried to calm things down. As for Rose, she was upset, but decided that there was no point showing it. So she pushed her emotions deep down inside her until no one could tell they were there. She acted fine.

But inside, she was fighting a battle in her head. She knew that both Lucy and Edmund were upset. She wanted to help them both, but the thing was, Edmund had almost completely cut her off since the day they came back from Narnia. He refused to talk to her, refused to even acknowledge her presence. This hurt, but there was nothing she could do.

So she started spending a lot of time with Lucy. Doing things with her. Reading to her. Singing to her. Really getting to know her sister. They bonded over Narnia, drawing pictures of what they had seen there, speaking about how wonderful it was.

Now, one day a little while later, the weather finally decided to clear up, and Peter suggested that they all go outside. He asked Edmund if he wanted to play a game of cricket, and Edmund (rather reluctantly) agreed.

While they were doing that (Susan was watching), Rose and Lucy settled themselves under a tree, Rose reading to her little sister. They'd found that this was a good distraction for both of them, but today, they were both finding it rather difficult to concentrate, because the others were being rather disruptive.

Peter had decided that it would be a good idea to commentate the game. This was amusing, Rose had to admit, and though she pretended to focus on her book, she and Lucy were really watching the others.

"Peter winds up, poised to take yet another wicket!" Peter shouted, bowling the ball for Edmund to hit.

Edmund was rather distracted, however, and didn't even realise that the ball was coming until it hit him on the leg.

"Ow"! He said rather loudly, scowling at Peter.

Peter shrugged his shoulders and laughed. "Whoops! Wake up, Dolly Daydream"!

"Why can't we play hide and seek again"? Edmund asked, causing the others to look at him in surprise.

"I thought you said it was a kids game", Peter replied.

"Besides", Susan added, trying to calm the situation down. "We could all use the fresh air".

"It's not like there isn't air inside", Edmund replied sassily.

Susan frowned.

"Alright, Peter said with an air of finality. Are you ready"?

"Are you"? Edmund asked.

Peter bowled the ball, not answering.

Edmund hit the ball very hard. Even Peter had to admit that it was a spectacular shot, and all five of them looked at it in admiration, until it smashed straight into one of the manor's windows.

Edmund clapped his hand to his mouth in horror. Susan dropped her smile. Peter looked horrified. Rose looked shocked. Lucy looked like she was about to burst out laughing.

Rose jumped to her feet, regaining her composure before anyone else. "Come on, you lot! She exclaimed. We need to go and assess the damage"!

Then she bolted off towards the house, the others following.

They stared at the smashed window and broken suit of armour in utter horror and shock. No one spoke, yet everyone was thinking the exact same  thing. If we're found out, we're dead.

Peter was the first to break the silence. He sighed then looked at his younger brother and said, with extreme sarcasm:

"Well done, Ed".

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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