Chapter 3

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Meanwhile y/n was just changing her weapons in her hands as the worker drones looked at her in total confusion while V and J fought the purple drone and N.

Then y/n heard N shout, "Uzi!" 'Uzi? Is that the purple worker drone?' Thought y/n. After a while, she saw a green blast as she covered her eyes. She then stood up and saw V tied up so she sighs as she went over to her.

Then she saw worker drones cheering as y/n looked at V who had a pout. Uzi glitched as N caught her and put her on his shoulders. The guy that y/n tossed came over, "Holy hell, Uzi. That was insane! And you too-" "Huh, oh, uh, N. I'm an angsty rebellious Disassembly Drone now." Y/n slowly turns her head to look at him in confusion, "A what?"

Thats until the leader cleared his throat as the drones moved out of the way. Uzi threw something on the ground as she spoke clearly heartbroken, "I brought the Murder Drones here accidentally. You chose to leave me for dead, instead of just freaking believing in me! And thats not even an edgy teen hyperbole like when I said it last week." Uzi looked away as she smacked herself, "Ill save you the trouble, dad. I banish myself."

The worker drones had wide eyes as they looked to the leader as he had nothing to say. "Let's go N. Everyone here can bite me." Y/n picks up V as they turned away, "Nice to meet you, Mr. Uzi." Uzi smacks him, "Shut it."

Then Y/n and N flew up and out of the base.


Y/n was sitting down on the chair with a chain around her neck as V was just sleeping. Y/n then swings her legs back and forth out of boredom as N came in as he spoke, "So, um, (L-?" "Y/n."

N tilts his head confused as y/n rubbed the back of her head, "My real name is y/n, not (L)." N smiles sweetly as he whispers the name three times, "Beautiful name." Y/n nods as she yawns.

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