Chapter 7

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"Something about his daughter being more important than building a door in this hallway. [groans] Kind of cringe." Y/n felt bad for Uzi as the guy agreed. Y/n then saw a flicker of the guy being a fake but she double checked her screen to only see nothing out of the ordinary. "You two good?" Asked N.

"I'm good," answered Uzi as she shoved him. "Stop asking!" Then she did hand movements as to sneak as Y/n nods understanding it. She follows Uzi while the two boys also followed.

Uzi was the one with a flashlight as they saw a lot of oil spilled onto the floor and on the crates/walls. Uzi asked, "You guys do that often?" Y/n shook her head, "I don't know if we do that." N nervously chuckles, "Im very concerned but also pretty frightened, a little bit."

Then they heard Thad shout, "Hey, Zi! Whats this thing?" The three came over to see what he saw. Y/n asked, "Isnt that your special eye that I saw?" Uzi groaned, "Dont call it that!" Y/n shrugs as Uzi went up to the wall as she read it out loud, " 'Absolute Solver?' 'Reboot?' Does this have something to do with how you grow your head back?"

N chuckles, "I actively avoid unpacking how that works." Uzi ignores him, "New material can't be pulled from thin air. If the wound is severe enough, this silver might be some sort of auto-run program to collect more mat-" Until her mouth was covered by Y/n who had her eyes widen.

Uzi looks at Y/n questionly then looks to the two boys then looks forward to see two human hands. 'what the fu*k!?' Thought y/n. Then one grabbed at Thad's leg. Uzi shines the light forward as she gives the signal to N, who shoots a missile at the ceiling vent as it explodes to show a weird looking creature.

Uzi, Y/n, and N covered their mouths in shock until Thad was getting dragged as he screamed. Until N used a ninja star to cut the limb. Y/n quickly went to Thad as Uzi looked at N's hand, "I want a fricking ninja star!" Until N and Uzi groans as they got smacked against the wall.

Then suddenly Thad and Y/n got grabbed by the machine as y/n tried to gun but missed a lot of shots with Thad screaming out of Panic.


Y/n had her mouth covered by the machine as she huffs. She looked to a still panicked Thad as she just shrugged.

Then suddenly they were cut down. Thad fell on top of y/n's back as she groaned. She pushed him off of her, as Thad was unfazed, "Lifesavers, again. Thanks!" He then helped y/n up, "Super invited to my shindig next weekend! Cool kids only." "Just run, Thad." Thad nods and runs out of there with y/n going over to N and Uzi really quick.

"J": We're bust then, anyway, so whatever, so lame.

Uzi asked holding her at gun point, " What's with a voice, J?"

"J": Oh, J's not here. We are trying to repair that host as per our directive.

Uzi spoke, " So you are a program?"

"J": More like, you are our cute puppets. {Makes a hologram} It hurts our feelings you don't remember us.

Uzi became worried along with y/n, " N? (L)? What's with the mom hologram?" Y/n answers with panicking, "I don't know, uzi!?"

"J": Easier to assimilate than explain.

Uzi glares, " Not happening.

"J": Fair, but poor choice. Now we will have to do something shocking.

Y/n gasped as she saw Uzi's dad as Uzi ran forward, " Hey!"

"J": Goodbye, 'dad'.

As the program rips him apart and eats to upper body. " wait, what?" Y/n ran to Uzi and drags her back, "Uzi!" That's until an explosion happened. N suddenly came as y/n asked, "Where were you?!" N however ignored her which made her suspicious, "Uzi, Shoot! Or give it to me." The three began to ste back as y/n continued to shot which misses.

'wait a minute... N would not ask for her to give her the gun,' thought y/n as she turns only see that Uzi was about to give N the gun. Y/n stared in shock as it was just a hologram as she got smacked with Uzi.

Y/n groaned.

"J": Great, idiot, you wasted it.

The computer breaks the gun as y/n looked up to see Uzi pinned to the wall, "Uzi!"

"J": Lucky for you, it's snack time. Time to go into my mouth now.

That's until they heard a chainsaw as N came in. N quickly picks up Uzi and Y/n as they leave the room in a hurry before the gun explodes.

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