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A/n and Warning before we start. A/n: I wanted to say that the povs will be alternating between Y/n and Isabel. Warning: Description of abuse, murder and Blood, Warning over. Anyway enjoy!

Y/n P.O.V

Y/n: Mom? Are you in here?

Isabel: I think she might be in her study...

Right now me and my Twin are going to find our mom to talk about us not wanting to take over the company.

Y/n: *sighs* yeah... your probably right...

Isabel: C'mon I think I hear her on the phone...

We turned a corner into a hallway that led moms study.

Y/n: are you sure?

Isabel: Yup.... I think....

Y/n: ...Really...?

Isabel: *looks away*

Y/n: *peeks into study* oh hey your right she is in there...

Isabel: see I told you so!...

Y/n: we should wait until she's done with the phone.

Isabel: Hmm. Yea your probably right...

A few minutes pass and it sounded like moms done on the phone. We push open the doors and walk towards her.

Mom: Hello my children what is it you need?

Y/n: Mom... we dont want to take over the company...

I looked away and clung onto my sister's shirt slightly.

Mom:... what?........ this is done sort of joke right? You have to take over the company!

Isabel: Well we dont want to!

Isabel took a slight step towards our mom before stepping back and grabbing my hands.

Mom: Well it dosent matter what you want!

Mom steps forward and yanks Isabel away from me by her arm.

Isabel: Hey let go of me!


Mom was screaming while hitting Isabel I ran up to her and tried to stop her but all she did was push me. When I fell back I twisted my ankle and landed on my arm funny.

Y/n: Ow!!!

Mom continued to beat Isabel while I tried to stand up and try to stop her. Isabel was trying to get her to let go her arm still, she had tears running down her cheek and she was bleeding because of the cuts moms rings were causing when mom hit her.

Isabel: Mom let me go!!!


Mom grip on Isabel's arm increased and then we heard a 'Snap'. Isabel froze and then cried out in pain.


Y/n: ISABEL!!!

I gasped and finally stood on my foot ignoring the pain that came from my ankle. I ran towards our mom and Isabel and pushed mom causing her to let go of Isabel, Isabel clutched her arm after it was freed, meanwhile mom hit her side on the side of her desk, she was seething. she reached into one of her drawers and pulled out a gun.


Isabel: Y/N LOOK OUT!

Y/N: huh?

Isabel had called out to warn me, but it was too late I had been shot right below where my heart was, I fell back again twisting my ankle again, somehow breaking it.

I watched as My Twin tried to run over to me only to be stopped my our mother who was holding a knife she grabbed Isable's arm again, the same one she broke, and tugged Isabel towards her plunging the knife in her hands into Isabel throat and then pulled it out, she then let go of Isabel who started coughing up blood while holding her throat with her hands, her legs were shaking like they wanted to give out and let her fall but still kept her up, I could feel myself coughing and hacking blood up as well, Mother grabbed her gun again and then shot Isabel in the heart. Isabel dropped to the ground lifeless her blood spilling everywhere and as it pooled and covered more floor it started to mix with mine since we were right next to each other. Mother turned to me and put the gun facing right where my heart is, I didn't react I just looked over to my lifeless twin who was facing me her eyes clouded over, tears covering her face, as well as blood covering her neck, hands and chin. I reached out and grabbed her hand in mine right before I heard another gun shot and the world went dark, all of the pain I was in was gone. The pain I was feeling was replaced with another feeling Rage.  But it wasn't mine... I looked around the dark space and saw My Twin, I walked up to her.

Y/n: Sis?

She jumped and looked back at me. Tears were going down her cheeks but there was still so much blood, she threw herself at me and wrapped her arms around me and started to cry silently... it seemed that since she was stabbed in the throat, she can't make any sound. Tears pooled and ran down my cheeks as I hugged her back, she pulled back and looked me over and I felt that Rage I was feeling amplify after I looked at her and I could feel hers spiked as well.

Y/n: does it still hurt?

She stood there staring at me for a moment and then shook her head no. I was going to say something else when a bright light stopped me.

When I opened my eyes, everything was different. we were floating on a cloud in front of a very tall person.

God: Hello young ones... I apologize that you have died at only the age of ten so I have decided to reincarnate you elsewhere, is there a specific place you would like to be reincarnated into?

My eyes widened and I looked at My Twin who held her fingers up in an X while smiling, It took me a moment to understand she meant the anime Hunter x Hunter, how I got that from her holding up two fingers in an X? I'll never know.

Y/n: we want to be reincarnated in Hunter x Hunter...

God: alright. Now before I send you off you will lose your memory of your life back in your past world when you are reincarnated so you will not remember that you were killed, you will however remember you are from a different world, and you know everything about Hunter x Hunter is that clear?

Y/n: Yes. Before you send us off... um will my sister be able to speak again?

He smiles.

God:  yes, she will. Now go.

We were then blinded by another light and the world went dark again....

A/n: Sorry about how this chapter was written I kind of rushed while making it. But I hope you enjoyed it also I put warning up at the beginning of the chapter just so you know if you missed them.

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