[Chapter 1] Not a Bad Idea, Rein.

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"See ya later, Anna!" You said to the last costumer, waving as you started getting cleaning supplies. It was a nice fall sunset, lofi music playing in the background, it was perfect. It was a small town you lived in, yet tourists loved coming in and out of your café- although you- sadly- were not the main attraction. The place next to you was, which to you, is completely fine. Brings in more business, you guess, happily wiping the counters as you hum to the tune playing out of the speakers. "Ghost duet" by Louie Zong played softly in the background, with all the noise you barely get to hear it. Turning around to clean up a bit of a spill of milk before a way louder noise than the speakers can even create busted through your door..


.. Oh.

.. Forgot about her.
Rein had recently moved back here to stay with family- she's been here what, three weeks now?- and you just so happened to work here. You used to be very good friends, but since she moved to Vegas, things have been a bit different.
"Good afternoon Rein, how was your relaxing, humble day?" You quietly say, not facing away from the spill.
"Sarcasm noted, buuut guess what! I got a new little frieennddd-" She practically yelped, sitting on one of the bar stools.
"Really? Who is it?" Quietly putting the rag back, turning to face her.
"This little man!" She shows a little skeleton man on her shoulder, he had little ink blots on his face, and interesting outfit and a big paintbrush on his back, waving. His eyes were little symbols, an exclamation mark and a star-
"The name's Ink! Pleasure to meet you ma'am!!"
.. Wow, this guy is as energetic as Rein.
"The pleasure is all mine, Ink. What do you two need?" You ask, bringing your focus back on cleaning.
"Could I maybe have a strawberry milkshakee? I'll pitch in on the cleaning!" Ptf, sure.
"No need, I don't trust you cleaning around here- and alright, I'll get that for you. Anything else?"
"Mmm.. Can we also get a spoon?" She happily decides, quietly whispering something about sharing to this "Ink" dude.
Walking to the back, you quickly whip up the shake n grab the utensil, bringing it back out to the two of them. Rein excitedly grabbed it, taking a sip and bringing a spoonful of the shake up to Ink. It's almost comical how big it is compared to him, but he seems to get a sip. His eyes.. Change? Both stars now.
"This is really good, human! Y/N was your name, right?" He yells, although it sounds like someone just talking loudly due to his size.
"Yup, thats my name, thanks."
"No problem Mx. Y/N!" He nods, continuing to sip from the spoon as him and Rein have a "whispered" conversation about the flavour and their day in general as you go back to cleaning.
"Sooo, how was your day today? Any interesting costumers?" Rein asks, noisy and hungry for tea. But.. You do have a story this time around.
"Yes actually, some dude came in and ordered ten glasses of sparkling white wine, and then went on talking about this one thing..."

The rest of the night went on like that. The two of you sharing stories from after the last time you two met up, Ink butting in sometimes to add a comment, some sort of explanation or another point of view on something. He seemed to have a very artistic view on life, it's interesting getting a look into his life... Until he eventually fell asleep.

"Well, I should get going- gotta get this little man to bed. You should come over sometime! Maybe get you one of you owwnn~" You snickered at the thought of having a little skeleton version of you on your shoulder everywhere you went, although the more you thought about it, the more appealing it sounded.
".. You know, that actually sounds nice. Might bring in more costumers aswell- how does Sunday sound?" You say, even surprising yourself. It's not like you to agree to that sorta thing, it's a life-long commitment-.. But a friend sounds nice.
"Ooo! That works- how about 10:30?"
Ugh, early.
"Yeah, sure- don't expect me to be on time though." You say, you don't get a lot of time off so when you do, you tend to sleep for a long time.
"I'm not counting on it- I'll see you later Y/N!" She practically screamed that last part as she left the place- leaving me to finish cleaning up, turn the sign to closed, turn off the music and go home. Woo, another day accomplished.

Authors note! Welcome to this new little thing I'm doing, I cannot promise it will be finished, but I can say that I won't just outright give up on it right away- so let's hope I keep the motivation up. 837 words people, even though this is just the beginning that is not a lot- I'll try to reach a lot higher next chapter, but              until then, buh-bye.

~BittyBones and Coffee Beans~ [[Gender Neutral Y/N]]Where stories live. Discover now