Numero dos: New Friends!

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It was now Tuesday! Not much better than Monday, but not as bad as Thursday, you thought, as you once again did your morning routine and went off to school.

Today was the day you'd befriend that player guy, you had set your mind on it the night before, and since neither you, nor he really had any true "friends", (him being the new kid and you being a practical loser) it probably wouldn't be too hard to earn his friendship.

You arrived at your first class of the day, and settling for a seat in the back corner of the class, you unzipped your backpack and took out your textbooks and your pencil case.

The question remained, how exactly would you befriend him if he wasn't even here!?

You guessed he didn't have class with you first period, and hoped you could find him somewhere at lunch, when suddenly a loud slam of the door against the wall startled everyone inside.

"Ahhh, there he is!" You thought, as 'Player' burst through the entrance and apologized profusely to everyone for being so late.
Everything had worked out just how you hoped it would, and he sat right next to you in the desk to your right.

"Smile and wave boys, smile and wave." Said your internal dialogue, as you did exactly as it told you to, and you put on your friendliest smile and waved at him as a gesture of peace.

He seemed pretty surprised at first, almost startled by your act of acknowledgment towards him, but he quickly regained his composure and waved back.

First period had ended and everyone was running to their next classes except for player had stayed behind, reading his schedule, with a very confused expression on his face.

It was the perfect opportunity!

Approaching him at average walking speed you tapped his shoulder and asked him the question that would kickstart your journey to the greatest friendship the world would ever see.

"Need any help?"

Player was once again startled, but after about exactly 2,47 seconds, he had turned around slightly, ears VERY slightly redder than before, as he answered with a disappointed, embarrassed, yet hopeful, AND doubtful "uh. yeah."

Excited, you read his schedule, and decided to walk with him to his next class, as yours was on the way.

Walking across the hallway you could sense the awkwardness of the air, if you were a snake tasting the air, the flavor would kill you from cringe.

Having enough of this bullshit, you decided you were gonna ask him stupid get-to-know questions until he understood you wanted to get to know him.

"So, what's your name?" You decided this would be the question, as it had been sort of bugging you that he never really answered the first day.

He wasn't quick to reply, looking down at the floor, it took him 10 steps to open his mouth and reply;

"Well, I don't really like my name, you can call me player though"

"Alright! Cool, cool." You replied, as you kept walking down the hallway.

"You? Uh, your name, I mean." He said, doubt and worry imbedded in his voice, as much as he appeared confident enough yesterday, he had suddenly gotten much shyer than you had anticipated.

It took your INCREDIBLE AMAZING PRECISE brain way longer to process his question than expected from any other student but eventually you answered?.?

"Oh uh, y/n."

This seemed to remind him of something as he jolted his head upwards and opened his mouth as though he was about to speak, but then shut himself up again.

You were pretty disappointed, it seemed as though his barrier had broken for a sec there, and that was an opportunity you were NOT going to miss.

"What?" You asked, your second question was much less complex than the first, but it was equally or even more important to your goals, because by carefully choosing the rhythm and intonation of the single word, you managed to get something out of him.

"Oh, nothing, your name just reminded me of a video game I-"

He paused once again, man, this was driving you nuts.

"Yeah?" You pushed him subtly, but once again, it had worked, it was as if he was ashamed, trying his hardest not to spill too much.

Luckily for you, this plan of his had completely failed, it started out slow, and once again shy, but with each word he would pick up his pace and now he was completely drowning you in words, he was dumping all the info about this video game you had never heard of, but you were delighted to see he was smiling.

His eyes, that had previously been looking around everywhere, obviously distracted, now had such an intense glint of focus you couldn't help but listen to his words, he quickened his pace as he told you everything you would probably ever have to know about this video game before he, for the third time, cut himself off.

"Uh.. sorry, I got a bit carried away I think." He said, but at least he was still smiling, probably as a response of you smiling as well.

"I don't mind!" You told him, reassuring him that he didn't do anything wrong. "Although we ARE here." you said, seeing player come into the realization that you've both been standing in front of the class door for the last 20 seconds.

"Oh, yeah, sorry, I-"

"See you later?" You cut him off, it seemed to calm him as his face relaxed and he nodded once.

"Yeah, sure!" He replied, and then, he was gone.

A few steps and the sound of a door closing later, the empty hallway witnessed your very grand, very enthusiastic air-punch paired with a whisper-yelled "yeah!" As you walked away from the classroom.

Everything was great! I mean, you did it! You talked to him and learned more about him! You're gonna be his friend!

It was this state of joy which blinded you to the harsh, cold truth. How had you been so blind? How had you been so deaf?
there was barely time to react as the most grueling, awful, sound ringed loudly in your ears.

In a lighting-quick show of reflexes, your brain quickly compartmentalized the sound as the dreaded bell, kick-starting an immediate response, legs ready to dash, body crackling with electricity, mind dawning upon the realization:


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03 ⏰

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GAMER CHAD BFFS🔥🥶🥶😎 A platonic Player x Reader fanficWhere stories live. Discover now