Making New Friends

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Prompt; Write a cute dialogue between Rin Nohara and Swirly (In other words, Tobi from Naruto Shippuden). as Obito Uchiha introduces them for the first time as a teenager.

Obito: "Hey Rin, I want you to meet someone. This is Swirly, he's a new member of our team."

Rin: "Hi Swirly, nice to meet you."

Swirly: "Hey Rin, the pleasure is all mine. Obito has told me a lot about you."

Rin: "Really? What did he say?"

Swirly: "He said you're a talented kunoichi and a great team player."

Rin: "Aww, that's sweet of him. It's nice to have a new teammate."

Swirly: "Yeah, I'm looking forward to working with you."

Obito: "I'm sure you two will get along great. Let's get to training."

Rin: "Sure thing, let's do it!"

Swirly: "Lead the way, Obito."

Obito: "Alright, let's go!"

(As they walk off together, Rin and Swirly exchange a smile, ready to become great friends and teammates.)

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