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My grandma was sick.
I always helped her by bringing her food and changing her diaper everyday.
Her eyes are blind and she can barely speak.
Everytime she needs something,she'll push a button beside her bed that will make a sound of a ringing bell.

One day,I overslept during my day off.
My parents were already gone out at the time.
They did not tell me anything beforehand.
Grandma pushed the button and I went to ask her what she wanted.
She asked me for a cup of warm tea but her face was facing the other way.
I went to the kitchen to get her her tea.
When I went back up, I put her tea on a table beside her.

I went back down to get some breakfast.
My heart almost stopped when I saw a letter on the fridge saying.

"Miya, me and your father is taking your grandma to the hospital for a check-up. We're going to be back after dinner. There's some money in the kitchen drawer"

I went back up to grandma's room.
The door was slightly open.
From the little space I saw a face.
It's like grandma,but her face was really scary.
I heard her moaning.

After a few seconds she stopped.
And without saying a single word.
She looked straight into my eyes.
With the most sinister looking smile I've ever seen.

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