Without all the fancy shit

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Aj's pov-

when i finally allow myself to make eye contact with jules i realise whats happening and how many people are around us.

all my anger that had built up inside me vanishes and i'm overcome with humiliation.

"I-I've got to go", i say grabbing my bag of the floor and storming off.

"Aj wait", i hear jules shout but right now i just need to get out of her.

once ive made it out the school i head to the train station.

Me: yo u still dealing.

Jake: long time no see my man.

Me: yep so u still dealing or what.

Jake is typing...

Me: come on mate its a simple question yes or no.

Jake: come on man u know i am but i thought u were done with this shit.

Me: i am i just want weed nothing big.

Jake: aight but only weed meet at the old place in 20

Me: see u there.

i quickly grab a train to brooklyn, i'm cutting my time short but it should be fine.

20 mins later

"yo your looking good man", jake says aproaching me.

"thanks mate wish i could say the same about you", i joke.

"do you want the shit or not", he jokes back.

"nah mate but all jokes aside i really apreciate this", i say getting my wallet out.

"yeah lets just not make it a weekly thing again", he says seriously.

"i wont i swear, so how much i owe you?", i ask.

"just give me ten and we're call it a day aight", he shrugs.

"you sure mate?", i ask taking the money out my wallet.

"yeah don't sweat it, but whats the sudden need for it?", jake asks passing me the plastic bag.

"nothing you need to worry about", i say passing him the money.

"aight as long as its not something thats gonna make this a usual exchange, again", he replys.

"it's not", i assure him.

"ok ima head out, but it was good to see you bro even if its like this", he says walking off.

" oh one last thing", i say stopping him.

"yeah?", Jake asks turning around.

"weird question but r u still dealing to my brother?", i ask.

"Atlas nah, he definently still smokes but hes stopped using, at least from me anyway", he replies putting his hands in his pockets.

"for real?", i ask a little shocked.

"yeah seriously man, i think the last time i dealed him some was just a few days before that house party a few weeks ago", he says.

"oh right, well thanks man i better get going", i say walking away.

"in a bit", Jake replies walking off.

Atlas's pov-

"this is a real nice place", i say walking into the reasturant with Jules.

"of course it is i choose it", she laughs.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Apr 24 ⏰

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