"You have no idea what youve just started."

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I practically run to my next class, which is fencing. My favourite. I've heard this school has a fencing team but I've also heard that Bianca's the captain, and I really don't want to associate with her.

I change into my gear and grab my sword. Coach Vlad explains to us what he wishes us to do and allows us to take our stances on the mats.

And again, I find Principal Weems walk in with that clipboard. I take off my helmet and Xavier and I stand off to the side.

"I swear to god she's tailgating either you or me." I say as we stand in the corner. "I bet you it's you because you're new." He shrugs and i sigh heavily.

We put our equipment back on and just start mucking around. He hits me on the arm when I'm not looking and I gasp. "You little shit." I say quietly so no one will hear me.

We literally just start throwing the sword anywhere and everywhere we can to hit eachother and because we're at the back of the class we hope no one will notice.

I hit him where it hurts and he falls to his knees. "I win." I cheer victoriously, taking off my headgear and smile down at him. "You cheater." He groans, half bent over.

"Am I a cheater, or just reall-" I'm cut off as I feel a punch to my stomach. I groan and laugh as I fall down next to Xavier. "Bitch." I laugh as i fall on my back.

We laugh together, calling eachother every name we can think of. "I'm glad you find wasting Coach Vlads time so amusing." I want to shove the sword in my eye socket when I hear her voice.

"Sorry, Principal Weems." I say through gritted teeth as Xavier helps me up. Just then, Rowan falls at our feet, his glasses falling off of his face.

I lean down and grab his glasses, helping to put them back on his face. "You okay?" I ask, trying not to laugh as he gets up. "Y-yeah. Thank you."

I just smile back awkwardly and look over at Bianca who's staring between Xavier and I. "You." She points her sword to me and I frown. "What?" I ask, confused.

She points to the mat and I realise what she wants. "Yeah, no thanks." I laugh. I don't know what her wanting Xavier has to do with me, but I'm getting kind of annoyed.

"How disappointing. No wonder your parents sent you here all on your own. Mummy and daddy didn't love you enough, did they?" My smile disappears and I can feel my grip on my sword tightening.

I drop my helmet on the ground and try walking over to Bianca but a strong arm stops me. "Think carefully about what you do next, Miss Y/l/n." I stare straight back up at Principal Weems, shrugging her hand off of me.



Larissa sighs as she realises there is no way this girl is leaving without fighting Miss Barclay. She can't help the way her eyes travel down the girls body as she walks past her.

Larissa watches intrigued as the girl requests a military challenge. The battle begins and Larissa can see a dark glint in both the girls eyes, like they're fighting over territory.

Larissas eyes instinctively snap over to Mr Thorpe and she digs her nails into her palms.

She hears the unmistakable sound of a sword slashing across skin and she braces herself as she turns around. Larissa instinctively sighs, maybe a little too loud, in relief as she sees Miss Barclay with a gash on her cheek.

"The only thing my parents would be disappointed of, is the fact I missed your neck."


I slam my door behind me and go for a shower. I'm exhausted and want no interaction with anyone at the moment. But I can't sleep.

Once I change into my normal clothes and brush out my wet hair, I sigh as I realise I'm still not tired.

I walk out onto my balcony and sigh as I feel the fresh air hit me. I sit on the railing and stare down at the rest of the school. I look up at the roof and find that it wouldn't be any trouble trying to climb it.

Before I know it, I'm up on the roof. I walk around the roof, trying my best not to pass by anyones bedrooom.

I hear the sound of a window opening but I ignore it. "Are you my knight in shining armour?" Miss Frump jokes and I jump. I almost fall forward when an arm grabs me.

She pulls me close and I freeze at how close we are. She realises what she's doing and let's me go, but keeps me at arms length. "What exactly are you doing up here, Miss Y/l/n."

I shrug and continue walking back and forth infront of her. "Clearing my thoughts." She smirks. "And you somehow landed outside of my window?"

I scoff. "Obviously I didn't think I'd end up outside your window." She nods mockingly, pouting her lip and I wonder if this is how she acts with everyone.

"Yet here you are." I sigh and stop pacing. I look straight at her, forcing myself to not break the eye contact.


Morticia raises a playful eyebrow as the girl remains fixated on her. She wonders what's going on in the girls head right now.

All of a sudden, the girl smiles and it confuses Morticia.

Before Morticia can ask why the girl is smiling, the girl pulls out a pin on her uniform and slices directly across her hand.

Morticia stiffens as the scent of fresh, sweet blood fills her nostrils. Morticia drills her eyes shut and tightens her grip on the windowsill. "W-what're you doing Miss Y/l/n."

Morticia doesn't know if she can control herself without Larissa in the room with her.

She has to stop herself from groaning as she hears the blood leaking onto the roof. Going to waste.

The girl squeezes her hand and the blood falls at the bottom of her hand, creating a small fountain of blood.

"I want you to shut up. And this seems to be the only way to do it." The girl smiles proudly at herself. This was a brilliant idea.

"Want a taste?" The girl teases as she squeezes her hand tighter. Morticias eyes snap open and she looks up at the girl with the biggest puppy eyes.

The girl is a bit taken back by the look Morticia is giving her and gulps down her nerves. "I-" Morticia can't find any words to say. The girl knows if she doesn't give the poor woman a taste, she's probably going to make her life a living hell.

Not that she really cared.

"Open up, Miss Frump." Morticia immediately sticks her tongue out and whimpers as the warm, sweet liquid drips onto her tongue painfully slow.

Morticia grabs the girls hand softly and waits for her to object. When she doesn't, Morticia takes the girls wound between her lips and sucks, drawing out small amounts of blood at a time.

She counts down from 10, not wanting to harm the girl in any way. After ten seconds is over, the woman regretfully pulls away. Morticias eyes are still screwed shut as she savours the taste of the young girl.

She can tell all sorts of things just by tasting the girls blood. Things that she wouldn't want her teacher to know.

And for that reason, she doesn't disclose them. "Goodbye Miss Frump." The girl pulls away from her and walks away, all red in the face.

"Oh darling. You have no idea what you've started."

Wordcount: 1310.

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