[ Inspiring Chapter Name #3 ]

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(Sorry for the long wait)

It was decided everyone was going to a forest for a few days, away from buildings Casey and Donatello could destroy or set ablaze, again. Originally Leo had found another mutant who needed help desperately in some small village in a forest far from New York. So Leo being Leo, was happy to help.

They were currently in an isolated area miles and miles into a forest in which itself lay miles, and miles, away from the nearest sign of human life. They traveled by Shellraiser to get there, and it took them over three days. Three days in which Donatello Hamato and Casey Jones attempted murder every day, and almost every second of every minute of every hour. Though, when having to share a couch because there wasn't enough room to be separate, Donatello had fallen asleep on top of Jones and never realized. Though, Casey still got embarrassed and remembered it once they got to the cabin that new mutant had lended them.

Donnie leaned against the bathroom doorway and stared at the plumbing underneath the sink, inside the open cabinet doors.

Casey walked over with a smile as he rested his head on Donnie's shoulder, "whats wrong sugarpie?" He joked, simply to get a moment of silence before Donatello answered.
"Sink was put in wrong, turn it on and it will explode everywhere. It's too violent." Donnie said finally, taking two fingers and pressing them against Casey's forehead to push him away.

Dee squatted down and pulled out some of his tools he hid in his pants pockets, starting to adjust some of the done work. Casey grinned and turned the sink on as Donatello took off part of the pipe, it splashed all over him until he stood up to turn it off. Casey snickered as the soaked turtle glared at him violently.

"Sorry, meant to was my hands. Didn't mean to give you a shower!"
"You did it on purpose!!" Donnie yelled, grabbing Casey's hood. He pulled him close and sat back down to pull Casey's face right above the open pipe.
"DONNIE LET GO WE CAN TALK ABOUT THIS" he screamed as he struggled to get loose, eventually the water turned on and splashed him in the face. Casey eventually had the smart idea of exiting the hoodie to escape the water, in which he could now breath.

The two boys started hitting each other, like two cats or two babies. Up until Dee's brothers came in and dragged the two apart, at least.

"Can we not leave you two alone for three minutes?!" Leo yelled as Raph dropped Casey, and the logs he had in his other arm.
"I told you it was a bad idea, but nobody ever listens to my superior intellectual ability." Mikey said, standing by the doorway as Leo let go of Donnie.
"How do you spell 'intellect', Mike?" The purple turtle asked, and Mike smiled brightly.
"M.i.c.h.a.e.l!" He spelled out, hands on his hips heroically and proud.
"Don't be intellect Mikey! It's not worth it! They're all insecure assholes with nothing better to do in their lives than to be the gayest men to walk the earth!" Jones yelled, hugging the orange turtle as if to shield.
"Wow that didn't at all feel aimed, and also that isn't grammatically correct dickhead. It would be intelligent, with your sentence. Also I'm pretty sure with that description either you're naming every person on this planet, or you're naming yourself." Donatello corrected before shoving Casey off Mike.
"Pansexual, actually, if we're talking about me. Why, you want a shot? Take a slice while you can. Something as tempting as thyself will never be an option you'll get again!" Casey said, his smirk only widening as he leaned on the wall.
"Yeah? Well I'm bisexual. Not gay. Though, of course I have nothing wrong with people who have that sorta preference.. If.. That's what it sounded like.." Donnie responded, zoning out to examine what he said, hoping it didn't sound offensive in any way.
Casey sighed, and turned to face the brothers.
"Missed shot." He said before leaving the room.

    Everyone gathered by the fireplace with beanbags and s'mores, everyone being April, Raph, and Leo. Nobody knew where Mikey always ran off too, but Donatello was definitely in the Shellraiser. The Shellraiser had been his alternative lab area because the Cabin only had three rooms, a bathroom, kitchen, hallway, attic, and a living room. No extra room or space for him to setup, plus in an area separated and independent when it came to life. He wanted silence when he was working so he could focus. But as any other story of Jonatello intent, a certain somebody would come opening the hatch and jumping on in.
"What's the doc up to?" He asked, placing a bag of half empty cool ranch Doritos on Dee's desk. "Want some? They're good!"
"..I'm good, and I was trying to stabilize the atoms in the.." Donnie started, but was quickly cut off when Casey pulled the chair back. Donatello landed on his shell with a thud, and he groaned as he rubbed his head. "What was that for?"
"Waking you up."
"What for?"
Casey fell silent, giving a simple shrug after zoning out. "Oh! Because I found something." He said after a bit, remembering why he had come to begin with.
"And.. You wanted me to be 'awake' for it, why?"
Casey grabbed Dee's hand, regardless on if he still had unfinished science projects or not.

The two gap faced idiots ran out of the Shellraiser, away from the cabin, and into the dark, mysterious woods that they ahead for what seemed like miles. Eventually after a good ten to twenty minutes, in which halfway through they started to follow a lake, found a small waterfall that dropped off a cliff and down another waterfall to the ocean. Donatello didn't want the teenager holding his hand to know he was amazed at the natural view he saw, but he couldn't help and muffle a gasp while his eyes widened. Donnie's head finally snapped, and he shook. Suddenly a dozen thoughts came into his head at once, was Casey trying to be romantic? Or was Casey going to like push Dee off this cliff? Is Case going to drown him? Maybe kill him here and make him into turtle soup later, feeding it to his brothers and marking it off as a chicken he found in the forest? Was Casey a vampire again? Did he just want Donnie alone to suck the blood out of his neck?

"So my idea was bringing everyone here eventually.. after we fix up that new mutant chicks problem and what not. Maybe have a beach day, a vacation." Casey finally said, looking over at Donnie with a slight smile and a tilted head. A beat echoed in Donnie's ear, like a single thud on a drum set. He felt all sweaty right now, and nervous. The way the moonlight hit Casey's tan, bruised skin, and the way the stars reflected in his abyss eyes.. He looked so careless with the way his hair just lay on his shoulders. Not to mention..

"Are those..?" Donnie let go of Casey's hand to put the hand on Casey's cheek, getting closer, inches away, to look closer at Jone's face.
"Huh..?" Casey blinked, confused.
"Freckles? You have freckles?" Donnie asked, pushing away softly as a smile approached on his face.
"Maybe, perhaps I do. What 'bout?" Casey said, tilting his head again as he grabbed both of Donatello's hands with an even bigger smirk than the turtle had.
"It's cute, you should try out brain next."
"They must be pretty cheap, cause I found a brain in the sewers of New York city."

Donnie blushed a bit, but also at the same time felt a bit offended. Casey leaned in closer, grin widening.

"You're looking a little green, you feel alright Kraang breath?"
"Yeah.. yep! Yep. Yeah. Definitely."
"So, about my idea.. should we do it?"
"Do what?"
"..Beach day? The vacation type thing?"
"Oh uh.. sure."

//I'M BACK!! I logged back in, just definitely won't be on that often. 1376 words loves!<3//

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2023 ⏰

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