Rubeus Hagrid

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( Stella jumps and hides behind a wall , Petunia and Vernon came downstairs in fear )

( Who's there ? )

( The door crashes down revealing a tall , huge figure )

( Sorry about that ! )

" HAGRID ! ", all the students yell

( I demand that you leave at once sir ! )

( Dry up , Dursley , you great prune)

( Hagrid then bends the gun causing it to fire at the ceiling )

( Now , where is little Stella ? )

( Stella comes out of her hiding place )

(H- hello)

( Oh , hello there. Last time I saw you, you were only a baby )

( You have James's hair and nose but you've  got Aquila's eyes )

James and Aquila , sit their stunned at what they just heard

Whereas, Remus and Peter high five 

Euphemia and Fleamont were happy 

On the Slytherin table , Walburga and Orion sits their stunned at hearing they have a grand daughter but Regulus is happy that his sister married someone she loved.

( Stella just stands their speechless )

( Got something for you , fraid I might have sat on it at some point, but I imagine it will taste fine , just the same. Ahh, baked it myself , words and all , heh. )

( Stella takes the box and opens it, revealing a cake with pink frosting and words written with green icing , " HAPPY BIRTHDAE STELLA ", she looks up at Hagrid with a grateful smile )

( Thank you )

"Thank you Hagrid !"; says Aquila and runs up to him and gives him a hug. James gives him a grateful smile too. 

" It's no problem, my pleasure "

( It's not everyday your young girl turns 11, now is it ? )

( Hagrid then sits down and points his umbrella to the fireplace, conjuring a fire. Stella watches in awe )

( Excuse me but who are you? )

( Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of keys and Ground at Hogwarts, of course, you'll know all about Hogwarts )

( Sorry, no )

( No ! Blimey, Stella, didn't you ever wonder where yer mum and dad learned it all ? )

( Learned what ? )


( Hagrid took a deep breath to compose himself then turned to Stella )

( Yer a witch, Stella)

( Stella looks offended )

( I'm a what ? )

( A witch and thumping good one )

( I think you've made a mistake sir, I can't be a- a witch, I'm just Stella)

Many smile at Stella's innocence 

( Well, just Stella, did you make anything happen when you're angry or scared? )

( Stella's face lighten up in realisation)

( Hagrid then gets up and hands her the letter )

( Dear Miss Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry )

( Vernon hobbles over to Stella)

( Well that now you've got to know about it your free to leave. )

( You knew ? You knew all along ? and never told me ? )

( Of course, I knew, my perfect sister being who she was. She went to that School and befriended your dear mother, who got herself blown up, YOU were supposed to go to my lovely sister, but as I knew she went and got herself ripped to shreds and we got landed with you.)

Aquila and James were shocked

Then suddenly Aquila remembered " LILY ! ", " I think she's Lily's sister "

"Hey didn't she graduate last year ?", asked Remus

Aquila nodded

( Stella's eyes widen )

( Blown up ? You told me my parents died in a car crash )

( A car crash ? a car crashed killed Aquila and James Potter ? )

( We had to say something? )

" HOW ABOUT THE TRUTH ??" , yelled Regulus. He was furious was an understatement 

Everyone else looked at him shocked, the young black wasn't the one to yell

( Well , now she knows, now kindly leave )

( Oh ! with pleasure! Anyways who wants to stay in the company of muggles like you! )

( Muggle? )

( Non- magic folk )

( Suddenly, their attention turns to Dudley, who was eating Stella's birthday cake )

( He flicks his wand and makes a pig tail sprout from Dudley's behind )

Everyone starts laughing, including Walburga and Orion

( The Dursley's start to panic and freak out )

( Well, I'd appreciate if you don't tell anyone. I'm not allowed to do magic )

( Okay)

( Hagrid then checks his watch )

( Oooh, we're a bit behind schedule, best be off )

( Unless you'd rather stay )

( Stella stands their for a minute before smiling and following Hagrid out the door )

Why did she hesitate ? asked a student

She never met Hagrid before Daniel , and she was suddenly told magic exists, of course she'll hesitate; exclaimed another student 

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