Chapter 3 - Dark Secrets

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It's been a few weeks since Spike had made his comfortable move to the Stonewell household. Completely moving out from his apartment, quitting his job and settling down in his new room. With the help of Truck and Roxie, he was able to pay for all of the overdue payments before he was completely evicted, with a large amount of their money gone from their savings account. Spike feels super guilty about having to give them so much trouble for just being there and paying his debt, but he promises that he will do as much hard work around the house, babysitting TJ, and run errands for them for as long as he can. He knows he'll be there for quite some time, for as long as he's allowed to stay there, but he doesn't wanna take it for granted.

For the first time in a long while, Spike feels calm and collected. Everyday, he would wake up with a big smile on his face, readying to challenge his day ahead with confidence, helping Roxie with cooking and cleaning, sparring with Truck at his local gym, and being a caring uncle to TJ, helping him out with his homework and playing basketball outside. He feels right at home, being a part of the family of kind people who he's known for a good majority of his life. He respects their privacy when needed, and is willing to help with their son when he can.

It was the next morning, and Roxie was cleaning up the kitchen table after their big family breakfast. TJ was getting ready to go to school, while Truck was in the garage, fixing up a client's motorcycle. Spike was sorting the bookshelf in the study when he heard Roxie's footsteps by the stairs.

"Alright, Junior, it's time to go!", yelled Roxie from downstairs to her son.
TJ comes dashing from his bedroom, down the stairs, to the living room in his school uniform and backpack.
"Okay, I'm ready!" TJ, finishing packing his stuff, waits patiently by the front door to head out.
Roxie leans in the study and finds Spike. "Spike, honey, I'm taking TJ to school now. I will also be running some quick errands around town. If you need anything, call me, or ask Truck, who's in the garage."
Spike looked over from the bookshelf to Roxie. "I gotcha. Just organizing your books for you, like you asked."
"Great! And don't forget to water the plants in the backyard! See you later!", Roxie says, opening the door.
"Bye, Uncle Spike!", shouted TJ from outside, waving goodbye at the hedgehog.
Spike waves back, watching the mother and son get in their vehicle and driving away. He then sits down by the kitchen counter with a glass of ice-cold water. He thinks quietly to himself, looking through the open window, as the sun glares the room with warm light, feeling the breeze from outside.

"I can't believe it's already been a few weeks since I moved here. I can never thank them enough for letting me in their home with open arms. I really need to do so much more for them soon. Maybe I'll get them a present when I go out in town again later, to show my appreciation." Spike takes a sip of water.
Truck walks in the kitchen from the back door, beads of sweat dripping from his beak, with oil stains on his white tank top, and a moist towel around his head.
"Ah, another job done! Gotta call my client in a minute-- Oh, howdy, Spike!", Truck greets Spike, while sitting at the kitchen counter next to him.
"Morning, big man. Got that motorcycle fixed up already?"
"Yep, it wasn't too hard. Just had to tighten up some loose screws, an oil change and add some new bulbs."
"Being a mechanic must be a hard job. I don't know a damn thing about vehicles, heh."
"It's not too hard once you get a rundown on how specific parts and machines work with the right tools in hand."
"I see." Spike gets up from the counter. "Here, man, Roxanne prepped a fresh pot for you." Spike pours Truck a fresh batch of plain black coffee in a mug.
"Thanks. This is what I need after a job well done." Truck takes a long sip. "Aaaah, that's the good stuff right there!"
"Ugh, I don't know how the hell you can drink that stuff without cream or sugar."
"It helps with a boost of extra energy that I need to get the rest of the day going. I don't need any of that extra stuff. You should try it sometime."
"I'll just stick with soda for my caffeine addiction, thanks."
Truck laughed as he got back up and picked up his phone. "Alrighty. I need to call my client now to pick up his motorcycle. You had plants to water outside, yes?"
"Yes, sir, I'm on it!", Spike says, walking out to the kitchen to the backyard.

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