Chapter 8 - Surfing Birds

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It was a peaceful day outside. No clouds in the sky, and the sun was shining down, filling the shadows and bringing life to the plants. Things have gone back to normal for a while in the Stonewell household. Roxie washes the dishes while looking outside, seeing her son playing catch with his father. She can hear the laughter in their voices, making her face light up with a loving smile. Looking down, she scrubs off the dirty dishes with soap and a sponge. Trying to get that one hard stain off one plate with all her force, but wasn't able to get it. Thinking it was just a permanent stain that wouldn't come off, she dries off the plate and puts it in the cabinet. Not noticing the mug next to the counter, she tips it over with her elbow, nearly catching it as it breaks all over the kitchen floor. She curses to herself while picking up the bigger pieces. She then holds up one shard to the air, reminding herself of that horrific final night in the cellar. She shakes her head while cleaning up the remaining pieces.

Roxie wasn't as traumatized as Spike was during that night, although being held captive for a few weeks by Ruthley made her feel uneasy in being alone for too long. Paranoia would kick in, checking corners and shower curtains for any intruders. She knew it was all in her head, but her instincts would constantly tell her that she wasn't safe. If she ever felt like she was in danger, she would only think about her family and their safety. Being locked up in a cage gave her a lot of time to think about how she would protect herself in case something like this would happen to her again. She went on the internet and looked up self-defense classes when she had the free time, even going as far as looking up taking taekwondo lessons a few times a week.

As Truck and TJ finish up outside, they both enter the house, finding Roxie on the couch with her laptop, watching self-defense videos. She would mimic the actions played on the laptop, which would make TJ giggle a bit. Truck led TJ upstairs while walking in the living room.
"Hey, honey.", greeted Truck.
"Oh, hey, darling.", replied Roxie, looking up from her laptop. "How was it playing with TJ outside?"
"It was great! TJ caught nearly all the pitches, and even threw a fastball at me. Could barely catch it at that speed, haha!"
"Oh, goodness. Hope he's careful on how he's using that throwing arm of his."
Truck sits down next to Roxie, looking over her laptop, seeing the video that was playing.
"Watching those videos again?"
"Mm-hmm. I'm actually learning a lot of different defense moves just from these tutorials alone. I should try them out on someone."
"Heh, someone like me, right?"
"H-huh? Oh, no, not on you, dear. You're half my size. I would get crushed underneath your weight."
"Hey, I've lost a couple of pounds. I've quit eating those muffins after my workouts at the gym."
"It's not just about your weight, hun."
"So, my height?"
"You tower over me. I need someone about my size to practice on before heading on to the bigger boys."
"Well, you're about the same height as Spike and Remmy."
"Hun, Spike's busy at work, and Remmy is... well, actually, he doesn't have a job, does he?"
"Been unemployed for months now. He's only getting by living at home with his parents."
"I see..."

Truck looks at Roxie, seeing a silly grin appear on her face. "Roxanne, you're not thinking about paying Remmy to get himself beat up, are you?"
"Beat up? I wouldn't call it that, per se."
"It's still a ridiculous idea."
Roxie sighs. "Yea, you may be right. There's just too many guys your size walking around. I need a skinny boy to tussle around with."
Truck scuffs. "You're overthinking this idea too much, hun."
"No, I'm not! What if someone else like Ruthley comes up from behind me and tries to have their way with me again? You don't want that, do you?"
"Roxanne, please-"
Roxie jolts up, knocking her laptop on the ground. "No, Truck! I need to protect myself if you're ever not around! I need to know what I need to do in case I'm ever in danger! I don't want a repeat of past events like this! I may not be so lucky the second time around! You understand me, don't you?!"

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