Chapter one

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    //(Y.n)= Your name
(H.c)= Hair color
(S.t)= Skin tone
(Y.a)= Your age//
(Y.n) opens her eyes slowly, light seeping through the thick leafs of the trees. She looks around carefully at her surroundings.
     Lush green grass, tall beautiful oak trees, red and yellow flowers here and there, and the occasional pack of wolfs.
    "Uhg... My head..." (Y.n) groans and places the palm of her hand on her forehead while leaning against one of the towering oak trees.
     Meanwhile a wolf runs through the trees, clearly enjoying the time he has. He hears a groan and sees figure against one of the many trees.
    The wolf slows his pace to a slow walk to not alarm the girl. He sits in front of her taking a brief moment to admire her features. Silky (H.c) hair, beautiful (S.t) skin, but he couldn't see her eyes, they were closed as if she was resting.
     The girl stirs a little startling the wolf a little. The wolf quickly runs toward and behind the closest tree and watches her.
      The girl yawns and slowly gets up.
      ~The wolf's pov~
       I watch the girl get up, she seems to be about (y.a) years old. I blush slightly recalling that I literary just sat in front of her looking at her face. I walk up to her acting as if I haven't seen her yet. It seemed to work because she just stared at me curiously.
      Just then I see a speck of gray and a bow peeking from a tree aiming at the girl. I snarl and quickly sprint at it. The skeleton missed the girl instead shooting my leg, I yowl in pain and attack it with all my might. Unfortunately the skeleton got away but at least it's not near the girl anymore, no correction, MY girl anymore. Yeah... I like how that sounds...
       I whimper and limp slightly back to "my" girl. She instantly bent down and looked at my leg seeing the arrow, slight panic and worry in her eyes. She sits down and allows me to rest my head on her lap. Maybe I should get hurt more often if it means getting treated so nicely...
     ~3rd pov~
     As the wolf rests it head on the girl's lap unknown to them is a jealous certain someone hiding in the dark shadows of the trees. "She'll be mine, not your's you idiot wolf..."

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