Chapter 2 - "Lets Get These Motherfuckers."

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Sitting in the car they took off down a road towards the impoverished stricken streets everyone in this large city tried to forget about and push to the back of their minds.

Looking at the location she began to grow increasingly anxious. In her head, she thought to herself that as soon as anyone lays a hand on her she will rip them in two. They pulled into a sketchy warehouse parking the car in the centre. The man got out of the car and Y/n swiftly followed. Too many people in films have waited for the murderer to go to the boot of the car and return only to be kidnapped or slaughtered. She followed the man at a distance careful to prevent provoking the man.

Keeping her posture and a stern glare at the back of his head she kept her aura of confidence and power. Without looking back at the girl, he continued to trek onwards whilst stating, "Follow, this way."

She rolled her eyes and followed the man out of the warehouse walking around a corner. The man slammed open a door walking through it, hearing French screams, so she walked through seeing a slender built man with buzzed hair calling out exclaiming in a mixture of French and English meanwhile a buff tall man with a goatee and a chain placed around his neck and a ring on his ring finger stood disapprovingly with his arms crossed looking at William Butcher with distaste.

Y/n walked through making sure to keep her tough façade on not wanting to seem weak, especially in the presence of guns and a hyperactive buzz-cut man. The man with the goatee out of shock stuttered and pointed back and forth between Y/n and Butcher. "No! We aren't dragging anyone else into this!"

"She is an asset." Butcher began to defend immediately only for the muscular man to respond once again, "No! You've spiraled all of us down this path and I am not letting you do this to someone else."

Y/n decided to speak up for herself and stop the bickering going on around her and get straight to the point. "I'm not here to fuck around with you all, I'll do my few favours get Hughie and then we are out."

The tall muscular man that went as 'Mothers Milk' looked between the girl and William in shock not believing that William was indoctrinating someone into the group who was trying to save another person from it.

"You're here for Hughie?" He questioned raising an eyebrow higher than what should be humanly possible.

She took a few steps closer sizing up the man who was significantly taller than her. "Yeah, now where is he?" She glowered threateningly ready to start a fight if they were to ignore her requests. The two were in a staring match while William and Frenchie stood there watching.

"Oi, be more hospitable to our guest M.M." William spoke up breaking the tension between the two.

"And sweetheart I was hoping you'd be staying around for a bit more than a temporary gig." He said remembering her relaxation and control of the situation when he had a gun pointed in her face.

"I said you get me Hughie and I'd think about it. I haven't seen Hughie, so I definitely haven't thought about it." She stood her ground approaching Butcher trying to intimidate him only to earn a grin from him as he looked down upon the woman.

"Very demanding even still." He laughed seemingly belittling her causing Y/n to grind her teeth.

"I don't know how legit your little supe-hating fan club is. I want Hughie and I want him out of this stupid little cult you all have going on here." She demanded as the group of men were now testing her patience. Butcher laughed to himself and spoke up, "We get you Hughie, prove we are serious then-"

Y/n didn't want to listen to the men spewing bullshit and decided to cut to the point, deciding to tell them what an asset she could be to them if they complied with her demands, "I'll help you. I have information from my younger years that could help you out significantly."

Vienna Waits for You - Billy Butcher x Reader x HomelanderWhere stories live. Discover now