Chapter 3 - "Every Time You See Her."

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There was a roaring crowd as singers and Supes paraded around the stage of the busy Capes of Christ convention. The tents and stalls were booming with business customers practically consuming the whole area.

The four, M.M, Hughie, William, and Y/n split up into three separate groups while Y/n and William stuck together.

"What I want to know is why people buy into all this shit." William spoke, picking up a highly overpriced figurine of 'The Deep'.

"It's hope for those who can not protect themselves." Y/n shook her head understanding a little bit too well why people want to be heroes, why people so desperately wanted to believe in them and hold out hope.

"And that turned out brilliantly for us, huh?" William laughed to himself at the morbid joke if you would even call it that. Y/n rolled her eyes and sighed, walking into the crowd, causing William to run after her. "Oi, I was being sarcastic, sweetheart."

Y/n continued to navigate through the crowd, her eyes scanning the various stalls and displays. She could feel the energy in the air, a mixture of excitement, fascination, and perhaps a touch of naivety. The convention was a stark contrast to the gritty reality they faced.

"I know you were being sarcastic," Y/n replied, her tone tinged with not a single hint of amusement. "But you know, sometimes people need something to believe in, even if it's just for a moment. It gives them a sense of purpose, a glimmer of hope."

William shrugged, his expression still carrying a hint of scepticism. "I get it, I do. But look at what all this hero worship has led to. Corrupt Supes, corporations exploiting their powers, and innocent people caught in the crossfire. It's a messed-up world we live in."

"There are still good Supes out there, William," Y/n said, her voice filled with determination thinking of her naive beginning to what she wanted to be a longer-term career but was sadly cut short. "I've seen it with my own eyes."

William rolled his eyes, not entirely believing in what she was saying.

Y/n stopped and turned suddenly, causing William to bump into Y/n as she looked at William, her gaze unwavering. "I know it's hard to believe, but I've witnessed Supes who genuinely want to make a difference, who use their powers for good. They might be rare, but they do exist."

William crossed his arms, scepticism etched on his face as he crossed his arms. "Yeah, and how many innocent lives have been destroyed in the process? The collateral damage, the manipulation, the lies. It's hard to see any good in all of that."

Y/n sighed, understanding his perspective. She knew all too well the atrocities committed by Vought and the Supes under their control.

"I won't deny the fact that there are many who abuse their powers," Y/n admitted thinking of the man who had destroyed her family. Homelander.

Y/n's voice wavered slightly, her gaze distant as she recalled the memories of her past. "I've seen them firsthand, William. I've experienced the pain and loss caused by those who abuse their powers. But that's why it's even more important to fight for justice and hold them accountable, and bring out the good ones."

William's doubt began to ease as he saw the genuine pain in Y/n's eyes as she pulled them away from his face. He realized that she had been through her own share of trauma in this messed-up world.

"I'm sorry you had to go through that, Y/n," William said, his voice filled with empathy. He placed one hand on her shoulder and the other on her jaw to get her to look back up at him rather than avoid his gaze.

Y/n's breath hitched slightly at the unexpected touch, her eyes meeting William's with a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude. His comforting gesture made her feel seen and understood, even in the midst of their messy reality.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2023 ⏰

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