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Trigger warning: bullying, abuse




As his rather out of date mobile sprang to life suddenly, message after message after message buzzed and dinged non stop, George sprang from the sofa watching the screen light up, on off on off.

"Someone's popular", Connor joked as the tinkling sounds finally died away.

"Not really, I haven't been able to charge it in weeks, it only lasted a couple of days after I left", the lad mumbled with his head down thumb tapping the screen furiously, "the screen broke when I fell jumping a wall", he sighed, "it's old it's all mum could afford", he wiped his eyes as tears threatened to invade again, sniffing lightly.

The older pair watched carefully, not directly staring but observing as Georges face lit up, then fell, then crumpled, shoulders slumping forward as he read through his texts.

Jack: Babe I haven't heard from you, what's up?

Jack: Tina told me your uncle kicked you out, where did you go?

Jack: Babe come on speak to me.

Jack: George seriously, speak to me.

Jack: Wtf G, why aren't you answering me? You still shitty with me for kissing you in town? I'm sorry your uncle was a dick about it.

Jack: G come on, stop ignoring me.

Jack: Hey Sam and the lads invited us to a party next Saturday, you gonna come right?
You musta come back by now you're too chicken to run away properly.

Jack: G come on stop acting dumb, I said sorry, so you got a couple slaps from your uncle, so what, come on speak to me.

Jack: Stop being a dick G, you coming to this party or what?

Jack: Fucks sakes G, I'm sick of you ignoring me, stop being such
a kid.

Jack: Guess baby G couldn't take the heat eh?

Jack: I'm sorry G I'm just frustrated, seriously stop ignoring me I said I was fucking sorry.

All the messages were much the same, Jack bitching then apologising, but then the apologies stopped as he read through to the very last one, sent two weeks after George left......

Jack: Fuck you G, don't answer me then you fucking child, big boo boo baby George hiding out coz his nasty uncle slapped him a few times, you're chicken shit G.
I said I loved you, I lied, I don't wanna be with a chicken shit.
We're through!

With shoulders slumped George suddenly launched his phone across the room, making Blake and Connor jump.

Flying from his hand it hit the kitchen door frame with a loud crack, shattering the screen into tiny slivers that coated the carpet as the carcass dropped to the floor with a dull thud.

"Hey, hey what was that for?".

Connor barked sternly and rose to his feet towering over the boy just more than a little pissed off at the shards of glass littering the carpet.
Instinctively the lad gasped and crawled away slamming himself flat against the wall, shaking, hands clamped again around his head, eyes wide with fear at Connors raised voice.

"No, no please no more, no more uncle Jake", he sobbed and shuddered against the wall curled up tight in fear.

Connor backed away in shock realising what he'd done as he dropped to his knees facing the boy who shuddered and shook muttering under his breath, "no no no no".

"Connor, fucks sakes".

Blakes voice was edged with anger, lowering himself onto his knees he moved towards George resting his hand on the lads knee, "you scared him Con, hey George it's ok, Connor didn't mean it, it's ok", he side eyed his husband, taking the cue Connor moved away getting up he headed towards the kitchen.

"I'll....... Clean up the glass", Connor mumbled feeling really bad, the fear he'd instilled in George with just those few words had taken him by surprise, and he felt bloody awful to have upset the lad so badly.

Running the hoover round making sure he got all the glass out of the carpet he watched as Blake helped the lad back up onto the sofa as he unfurled again and began to calm in the presence of his husband.

Shutting off the vacuum, putting it away and picking up the remnants of the boys phone that was now officially fucked and totally useless, he wandered off into the bedroom.

Returning a few minutes later he sat carefully next to George holding out a newer mobile phone, one of his old ones that he didn't use anymore.

"I'm so sorry George, I didn't mean to shout at you", he apologised as the lad raised his green eyes to his honey brown, "I just didn't think".

George nodded slowly, bringing his gaze back down to the phone sitting in Connors hand.

"I'm afraid your phone is kind of fucked, you can have this one if you want?", Connor stretched his hand out offering it to George.
"By way of a peace offering", Connor said quietly.

"I- I'm sorry I made a mess", George sniffled, "my....my boyfriend, he.... he ditched me because I didn't answer him, I mean I....I.... couldn't answer him...... and he's dumped me", he sniffed again.

"He didn't even care that I'd gone", his voice tightened as he croaked through his tears, "he told me he loved me, he told me he'd stick by me".

"I guess I knew really.... that he wouldn't".

"He sounds like a dick", muttered Blake as he got up and wandered off to the kitchen.
Connor sat quietly next to George as he turned the newer mobile over and over in his hands, feeling the smooth screen, tracing along the edges with his fingers as Connor handed him the SIM from his old one.

"Thanks, and.... I'm sorry again for that", he glanced at the small gash in the kitchen door frame as Connor waved him away, "eh it's fine, I'll leave you to set that up", Connor handed him the charger and followed Blake into the kitchen.

Pushing the door almost closed Blake hissed, "Connor, jeez what was that all about?, You scared the shit out of the kid", Blake prodded the switch on the kettle harshly, annoyed with his husband for being so short with the lad.
"Hey don't bite my head off ok, I didn't know he'd react like that", Connor went on the defensive feeling slightly annoyed at his husband for taking the boys side, "I've apologised and he can use my old phone for now", he shrugged.

He hated tension between him and Blake, he loved his husband to the ends of the earth and they rarely disagreed, but Blake was different this time, on edge and touchy.

Taking in his lovers troubled frown Connor waited.

As the kettle hissed to the boil and rumbled the pair stood deep in thought, until the switch on the kettle clicked and the rumbling noise died away.

"This..... uncle Jake though, what do you suppose went on there?, he seems terrified of him", Connor mused as Blake poured hot water into three cups and stirred the coffee into each one slowly, thoughtfully.

"Hmmmmm I don't like it Con, this 'uncle' whatshisface sounds like a prick", banging down the spoon he sighed, this lad was really getting to him.

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