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George woke, feeling renewed and rested, having rolled over in the night he opened his eyes, breath catching in his throat as he realised someone was holding him, someones hot breath was hitting his face, someones leg was laying over his.

Opening his eyes wider he gasped as the angular face and arched slim eyebrows came into view, he tried to move away but somehow his body didn't want to do what his mind was telling it it should do.

Breath evening out after the initial surprise of finding the older man in his bed holding him close, he took some time to really study the mans face.
The skin a light creamy coffee colour seemed to indicate many long beach days spent in relaxation, the long dark eyelashes splayed across the high cheek bones were impossibly long, almost as if they were false.

The slight bump on the bridge of his nose, maybe a childhood accident or a break that had healed, looked out of place against the long slim line.

His lips not thin but not fat, a happy medium and his jaw that appeared angular looked softer up close, with a close cut stubble.

His hair fanned out behind him, a little wavy, caught the light as it streamed through the slightly parted curtains directly onto the man causing a glow, almost halo like around the mans head and shoulders.

George breathed out gently having held his breath unknowingly.

Aiden looked...... like an angel, not that he'd ever seen one, only in his dreams of his mother and Jack the angeldemon, but this, this was real and right in front of him.

Noticing Aidens bare shoulders were littered with goosebumps he untangled his free hand and pulled the duvet up and over causing the brown haired man to shift slightly and the brown eyes begin to open.

"Mmmmorning George", Aiden mumbled gently eyes widening as he realised where he was.

"Shit", he jerked back almost falling off the bed, as a hand wrapped round his waist and pulled him back his brow furrowed.

"I- I'm sorry, I I'll move, I just.....".

"No, no..... It's ok", George smiled bashfully, "it's fine, thanks.....for being there for me last night".

Aiden smiled back, "you scared me a bit, I just wanted to help you", he uttered quietly, "I just wanted to be there for you".

"I'm sorry I shouted at you", George said meekly, "those n-nightmares, they're horrible, I ..... haven't had one in a while, I guess it's, being away from home", he sighed feeling pathetic and weak.

"I know, it's fine believe me, if you ever feel you can talk about it, I'm here to listen", Aiden smiled softly, raising his free hand to push a few stray curls from Georges eyes he planted the softest lightest kiss on his forehead causing Georges breath to hitch and his eyes to flutter closed for a second.

"I'm just glad I could help, the twin room was a good mistake I think, I'd hate for you to have gone through that alone", he studied those green eyes for a while before a friendly smile crossed his face.

"I guess we better get up, Grey will be banging on the door soon and I'm starving".

Aiden pulled away untangling himself from Georges grip, the cold rushing in like a sharp wind rushing through a tunnel.
George yawned, stretched and threw off the duvet, sitting up he watched the older man walk towards the ensuite bathroom.

The way his legs moved, the ripple of his lightly toned back, the sway of his hair catching the light again as he threw open the curtains and opened the window, the sunshine illuminating his face as he closed his eyes breathing in the clear morning air.

George just gazed taking in the mans full length profile, bare from the waist up, his lounge pants slung low on his hips revealing the band of his black boxers, breathing deeply filling his lungs then breathing out slowly dipping his head slightly down he opened his eyes again.

George was sure.

Aiden Walsh was, in essence, an ANGEL!.

George felt strangely calm yet energetic as he, Aiden, Grey and a small army of staff set out the exhibits one by one, straightening, dusting off, making sure everything was 'ship shape and Bristol fashion'.
The exhibit was to open the next day and the time flew.

Soon enough it was time to break for lunch, Grey announcing that he was off to meet a friend of his that lived not far from the gallery, a fellow art fanatic, with the full intention of inviting him to the opening to 'show off' his prodigies.


"Well boys, that was amaaaaazing".

Grey twittered as the last few people left the exhibition hall and they flopped into one of the many black leather sofas dotted around the walls.

"Wow, it's a shame we're not selling your painting Aidy, we could ask whatever we wanted for it", Grey pouted flinging his arms around in the air, pound signs flashing in his eyes.

Several offers, very very good offers had been made for Aidens 'Love is Love' painting, Aiden was becoming well known and his paintings were rising in price, Georges huge original had also attracted a lot of attention, more than he realised until he was approached several times during the day.

"It's not for sale Grey...... and don't call me Aidy you know I hate it", Aiden grumbled.
He had plans for both of the massive pictures, plans that he hoped George would be prepared to be part of one day.

"Oh Grey, h-have you booked the hotel for the next venue yet?", George questioned, Grey raised his eyebrows, "well yes I have, three singles, I hope the hotel don't mess up this time and book the wrong ones", he sighed.

"Can you change the booking, is it too late to get a twin room again?", George flustered a bit at Greys sneaky smirk as his eyes flitted between the younger pair.
"I, um......I have nightmares and-and having Aiden in the room really helped", George explained looking over at the brown haired man who nodded with a small sweet smile.

They didn't see the need to tell Grey that they slept in the same bed, "oh George I'm really sorry to hear that, are they bad?", Grey looked genuinely concerned.

"Yeah, yeah they can get pretty bad, but Aiden calms me down, he knows what to do, so.......".

Keen to keep both his stars happy and the exhibition doing well he agreed, pulled out his phone and called the next hotel immediately changing the booking while wandering off to check on the exhibits after the busy day.

Once alone George spoke, "I um...hope you didn't mind me asking?", he gazed nervously at Aiden, "I'd feel b-better if you stayed with me, I um.....I liked being with you..... in... in bed", he blushed from the tip of his ears to the collar of his shirt realising how that sounded.

"Haha, it's fine, believe me, I'm honoured that you trust me, and to be honest I've been wanting to hold you for ages, nothing else, just hold you", Aiden spoke softly, "I know you think I'm prying George but I'm not, I've seen that pain in your eyes before and I just want to help you, to help you heal".

"You don't need to tell me your life story, I just want to be there for you", Aiden held out a hand offering it to George, George accepted the gesture clasping the olders hand tightly.

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