You changed..

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As the school week comes to an end It was time for Carter and Eva to meet. While sitting down during lunch period Freddy asked Carter

Brother, is today the big day?

Yeah bro, today is the day.

Do you know what you're going to do?

Nah, at this point I think it's best I don't even say anything, I mean I was wrong for what I did but, why bring it up so soon?

Freddy approved of the response; there you go! now you're talking like a man. that's good bro, just let it be and not bring up everything that happened. Personally, it's not something I would even sweat about, it's like spilled milk.

Yeah bro, I definitely did stress it a little too much, by the way, I saw Kenzy last week and she's still mad at me. At this point I think as long as I leave her alone, I'll be fine.

Freddy was shocked to hear Carter approach Kenzy; Carter are you crazy? do you know how lucky you are? Just the fact that she's mad enough to just want you to leave her alone! Most chicks I know would go through hell and back to tarnish your reputation and relationship. Man, I ought to kick your ass for that one, and just when I done gave you your props for being a man.

Yeah I'm not surprised it's something you wouldn't do, but it caught me off guard and I still felt bad, and I don't know what I was thinking my legs just started moving towards her direction.

Touché bro, touché.

By the way, would you be able to drop me off today? I can always get the bus driver to drop me off but since you're already invested in my faith. why not?

Freddy nodded and said yeah bro I got you, just don't call me if Eva starts kicking your ass if you accidentally tell her, you spent your summer with another girl and accidentally kissed her.

Bro shut up, I got this. Just get me there in one piece and everything will go back to normal.

When Carter said that it reminded Freddy of something he's been meaning to ask Carter.

Hey bro, while we're on the subject of things going back to normal, are you in a gang now? Last week in the locker room I overheard you jump one of the guys from the football team with Xvavier from the first period. 

Carter slapped his own forehead and rubbed his eyebrows out of stress. Goddam it. Man, I Forgot about that, now I got to deal with that shit too? and no bro that's not my cup of tea. two weeks ago, I walked in on Xavier getting jumped by Marcus and his friends, so I just jumped in to help X out without even thinking. It's been a while since then, I thought they just left it at that.

Ohhhh, that's why I see you've gotten a lot cooler with Xavier.

Yeah, me and him have been trying to chop up a plan for if Marchus tries to jump us again, my dumb ass just had to get involved in someone else's drama while I have a storm of my own coming my way.

The conversation continued on as the school day went by, the moment the final bell rang Carter met up with Freddy so that way he can get dropped off at Eva's school.

Alright, my brother, don't have too much fun Freddy told Carter as he drops him off.

Thanks again bro I really appreciate you, and I'll talk to you tomorrow! He daps him up as he was closing Freddy's car's door to be on his way. 

The moment Carter made it to Eva's school he started walking to their usual meeting spot. He sent her a text to let her know he just made it there. he was just as nervous as he was the first time they met up after school. When he walked up to her, she was just sitting there smiling and blushing at him, Carter was milling back as well.

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