The Storm Continues

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Carter thought he was ready to move on, he thought he was ready to answer any questions Eva might ask him about his summer. He was not mentally prepared for this, Kenzy finally stepped out of the shadows, at a time like this was not on his contingency plan. He froze, he needed a hero. He wasn't sure what to say but the by the grace universe, Xvavier bought him some time.

It was almost like a miracle. Before Carter could give Eva a reason as to why he just froze, a touchdown was scored. Not only was it from Carter's school, but it was also none other than Xavier that arrived to save Carter with the impressive touchdown. 

The roar of the crowd shook the sky, and the bleachers felt like an earthquake there weren't any waves going, just people screaming, jumping, and cheering. Carter took that chance to cheer for Xavier as well and in the process try figuring out what to say in his defense. 

Oh, babe, I wasn't even sure that was her and her boyfriend remember I told you not all of them go to the same school?

Carter successfully evaded any further questioning and even solidified an answer to any future thoughts Eva may have regarding Kenzy by implying the guy Kenzy was walking with is her boyfriend. Xavier may have been the man of the hour for scoring the touchdown but to Carter, he was man of the year for saving his ass like that.

Once everything calmed down, Eva stopped questioning Carter and went back to watching the game with him. He told her how Xavier just earned a free meal from him because they had a bet.

Right when he told her that, Eva told him that's so nice of you Carter but speaking of which we ourselves should go grab some snacks and drinks too.

He agreed and told the same student from before to watch his spot for him. In his head, Carter didn't want to go just yet so that he can avoid running into Kenzy. He wasn't sure if he was overthinking it, but he felt like it was a plot for Eva to purposely run into her and her companion.

Carter knew he was not left with any choice but to go along with it, they got up and started walking down to go to the concession stand.

Let's take the elevator instead, Eva suggested.

Okay, why not. He agreed.

They held hands as they entered the elevator to go down, at that point, Carter gave in and accepted whatever outcome that may happen once they get down there. Not knowing although Kenzy was the eye of the Storm, there was something else awaiting his fate. He had a cover story ready in case they bump into her, even though Kenzy appeared to have left the scene.

When the elevator door opened, they were still holding hands as they walked through the crowd, Carter kept his cool and scoped the area to see if he can spot Kenzy, that way he can avoid any altercations. Once they got to the concession stand, they bought drinks, hotdogs, honeybuns, and some chips. Nothing too fancy, everything was going great until they were on the way back to the elevator and Carter notices they were being followed. Surely enough the same guys that gave him the death stare earlier. He kept his cool on the outside but in his head, he started talking to himself.

Shit, goddamn it. what the fuck is going on tonight

Of all the shitty timing, these jerks really want to try to jump me in front of my girl as if I don't already have enough on my plate.

shit, shit, shit shit!

Okay, Carter, this has to happen regardless; he sighted.

Alright, Xavier can't help me, and I definitely don't want to get my ass handed to me in front of Eva.

Carter, you're squeezing my hand too hard are you Okay? what's wrong? Eva interrupted his train of thought.

Babe to be honest there's something I got to handle; would you mind going up the elevator first I'll be right back. I got to talk to these guys really quickly.

Which guys? she asked, followed by How do you know them?

They're right behind us, I know the one name Marcus but the other two never got their names and as for the third one I don't him, I've never seen him at my school.

she firmly said No, we're going up there together.

Babe, It won't be long I'll be right up. He insisted.

Carter pressed the button to call the elector and sent Eva up, he asked her to press the button to bring the elevator right back down that way he and the guys can get on.

I'll be right behind you don't worry, save my spot for me, he told her as Marcus and his boys approached even closer.

The moment she went up Carter turned around to make sure they don't come running up and blindside him. He thought about making a run from it to be out of sight, but he knew running would just put him at a disadvantage unless he was running directly off of the school property.

Heyy, what's good Marcus? I see you and your boys following me like Ya'll are about to do something. What's up with that? I thought we was traight.

Nah bitch, Xvaviers turn is coming you're up first bitch boy.

Come on bro, I was just trying to help a brother out! Think about it man, if it was you on the other side of the punches, I still would've stepped in.

Carter is attempting to defuse the situation but to also buy time as well, that way he can go in the elevator. Knowing they will have a harder time throwing good punches in such a restricted space. It was not the best plan, but he knew if he was going to get hurt, he might as well return a few good punches.

Man shut the fuck up. who told you to get involved, you gon learn today.

The moment Marcus told Carter that he was going to learn to not get involved in other people's business, the elevator door opened. Carter quickly hopped in and pressed all of the buttons that way the elevator would get stuck. By the time he pressed the buttons one of the guys threw the first punch and it struck Carter right on his left shoulder.

Carter didn't feel it because his blood was already pumping from the earlier interaction and questioning. He quickly made a fist and raised both of his hands to guard his head and ear as he backs up into the right corner of the elevator. By then the other three guys jumped in as well, right as Carter started throwing jabs right back at the guy that cast the first stone. The other guys started pitching in as well, Carter made sure he stood his ground and stayed in the corner to minimize the injuries.

He grounded his left foot as his leading foot and the right one to the back as his main support, he slightly squatted in his attack position, kept his head down as he dished out as many uppercuts as possible while alternating his right and left hook to protect his face as quickly as possible.

Soon enough Carter ran out of breath, he started seeing stars, he was disoriented, he couldn't tell how long the fight was for. from his view, he couldn't see anything at all, just the legs standing in front of him as he started feeling each of the punches thrown at him. Carter thought he was invincible but soon enough one of the punches made a direct liver shot. That punch was so powerful it became the last thing he remembered; until he finally blacked out.

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