She Will Be Ours

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You stare at this sexy stranger before you, and he steps closer to you.

Usually, you would take a step back away from anyone who invaded your personal space like that, but you are intrigued.


You like being called beautiful, so that you might humor him a bit. Not that you need him to buy you a drink since Leesah got that on lock.

"I'm Seonghwa, and I couldn't help but notice you since you walked into the bar with your friend."

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, you are stunning," he compliments you. His eyes haven't explored your body once. You like when a man holds firm eye contact with you.

You stare into his gray eyes, and you wonder where the hell this man is from. He's beautiful and mesmerizing with his high cheekbones, perfect smile, and flawless skin.

"I know, but I'm not interested."

You raise your hand. Right now, you are slightly tipsy, and the last thing you want is a random bar hookup.

Things are a bit vulnerable for you, and you are trying to figure out your career situation. Getting to know someone would complicate everything.

"Why, because you don't have a job?"

He raises a questioning eyebrow, and your mouth flies open. Seonghwa catches you off guard with his respond, and you go into defensive mode.

"Um. How would you even know that? Are you a stalker or something?"

"No, I just overheard you when I grabbed my beer. I don't mean any disrespect."

You roll your eyes and scrunch up your face. "Whatever. If that's how you get numbers, you definitely need to work on your game."

You push past this guy and head back to the bar area.

"What if money was involved?" Seonghwa says from behind you. It's enough motivation for you to stop in your tracks and turn around.

"Bitch, do I look like a sex worker to you? Before you answer. Think about it."

"No, you don't. But, I never said I wanted sex."

You stand in front of him, trying to read him. It's always been your job to read people's body language and decode the situation.

You search this man's face and his body language to try to decipher what is going on. "What do you want from me? In exchange for money?"

"Your company." His rebuttal is quick, but it still sounds too good to be true.

"You're pressing my buttons tonight. I have a master's degree. Try that scam on someone else."

"No, scam. I love an educated woman. What's your degree in?"

"Counseling with an art therapy certification."

"Why aren't you using your degree?"

"Haven't found a place to practice."

"Why not? I can tell you are talented. It's so clear in your aura."

"Yeah, I am. But, why are you worried?"

"I hate to see all your talent go to waste."

"It's not. I'm just in between jobs now."

You hated how easily he could read you. You have an immense amount of talent going to waste. But, was he psychic or something? Things were starting to feel a bit eerie.

Sacred Knowledge Ateez x Black ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now