Level 0- The Maze, PT. 2.

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- Luke walks around more and he starts feeling like he' going insane. He starts humming and talking to himself overall. He starts picking up a pace as he felt more, and more paranoid. Luke starts finding objects such as almond water which, was quite bitter. He also found energy bars and such. A few hours later he felt absolutely insane. He heard a noise, a howling, noise. He saw, what he named as a, howler. A scraggly furred beast with dark red eyes. It was like a dog but it wasn't friendly like one. It lunged at him. He ran as fast as he could, going as far as he could, only to run into a wall. He woke up in a bed-like structure, with a person, only it had wolf ears, and a tail.

??: " Look whose up. "

Luke: " Who are you? " He replied, scared.

??: " Names Marcus "

Luke: " I'm Luke.. "

Marcus: " Why, hello, Luke. " 

Luke looks  annoyed. He says no more and gets up to go leave.

Marcus: " Look, buddy, if you go out there, you die. I recommend you stay here, with me. " He was sitting on a chair, his legs crossed.

Luke: " Oh-- " He sat back down on the bed.

Marcus comes over, and sits next to him. Just then Luke gets a pounding headache. Luke covers his head in his hands.

Marcus looks concerned, " Luke?? You ok? "

Luke replies, " no- I feel like my heads gonna explode... "

Marcus: " uhh- I don't have any medicine.. " He lays Luke down in the bed, he then goes back to the chair, sitting and looking over at Luke. Both of them slowly falling asleep. 

Then, a pounding was heard, it was loud and heavy. Marcus jumped up worriedly, Luke jumped up to hide under the bed. Marcus answered the door.

??: " Listen man. If you don't pay up soon, i'm kickin' you out. "

Marcus: " Im sorry, i haven't caught anything recently. "

??: " Look. you got three ^@(*& to get somethin' good, man. " 

Marcus: " y- ... yessir. " Marcus sighed and closed the door. 

Luke: " Who was that? "

Marcus: " Boss. " 

Luke: " Oh. "  

Luke crawled out from under the bed.

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