Level 0- The Maze. PT. 3.

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Luke looks at Marcus worriedly, and he walks over to him.

Marcus: " We have to get you out of here. "

Luke: " What about you? You saved me instead of leaving me to lie there and get eaten. "

Marcus: " I can go with you, and I will. I promise. We'll leave in @(*& days. In the meantime, we'll stay here. "

Luke nods, hoping they both can get out of here.

@(*& days later.

Marcus finishes packing up to leave and get out of here. Marcus opens the door and they start walking out, only to a skin stealer. 

Marcus: " Run. " 

Luke runs the opposite direction and Marcus follows close behind. Luke somehow manages to trip over an object laying in the middle of the floor the skin stealer moves quickly toward look who is struggling to get up. He fails and the skin stealer tries to bite him. Luke quickly kicks him in the face and Marcus helps Luke get up to safety but just then the skin stealer grabs Luke making him faceplant again. This time the skin stealer successfully bites Luke. Luke yells in pain as his leg is bleeds. His leg is covered with blood and slobber. Marcus runs to Luke's aid. Luke sobs and the skin stealer runs from the screaming.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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