T w e n t y - t w o

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"What the actually hell Mercy!" Davina screeched as she saw her niece enter.

"Not the reaction I was expecting" Mercy sighed.

"No. You can't just act like I should be happy! I stayed here because I promised you that much! Everyone else left me here! They didn't care! Not even Kol or Marcel! I sacrificed my life out there to wait for you! Im not just going to go back to how things were! That's not fair!" Davina glared.

"Fine. You didn't have to wait. If that is how you feel then don't expect me to try and change your mind. I guess I'll just leave now. Goodbye Davina." Mercy turned and left the room with a scowl. She had finally started to trust her family again and what's the first thing they do to her, yell at her and don't care that they are even alive.

"Mercy wait-" Alex tried.

"No. She didn't wish to see me. If that is how she feels I shall leave her alone." Mercy shut down the conversation.

She returned to the boys camp and rushed to her old hut, everything right where she left it. Mercy collapsed onto her bed, dry sobs shaking her.

A gentle knock sounded through the hut, she quickly used magic to hide her face and rushed to her desk, "Come in"

The flap opened and Peter walked in, "You alright Mercy? The boys told me you rushed in here, I asked Alex about it and she said Davina was a little rough. Did she hurt you?"

"Im fine Peter, really. Davina didn't wish to see me and I can't exactly blame her. I practically ruined her entire life." Mercy faced him and forced a smile.

"No your not fine, come here," he opened his arms and she got up with a sigh, secretly great full for it.

"I'm fine Peter, I promise. I think I'm going to go for a walk. I'll be back later." Mercy rushed out and headed towards the Mermaid Lagoon, she really needed to talk to Ariel.

She walked into the lagoon and sat on a rock, blowing on a shell Ariel gave me if I ever needed her.

"Mercy? What's wrong?" She quickly pulled herself from the lagoon and turned her tail to legs, coming to sit beside Mercy.

"Davina. I ruined her life by a stupid promise I made her make years ago. She kept it and stayed behind when everyone else left her. She hates me now and I don't know what to do!" Mercy explained.

"On Mercy I'm so sorry. I can try and talk to her, if you want me to of course" Ariel offered.

"That would be amazing, thank you Ariel." Mercy gave her a quick hug and rushed out of the lagoon.

She continued to walk to the beach and sat in the sand, the water coming up to her feet.

"Though I'd find you here," a voice called.

"What, don't trust me enough to go on a walk by myself anymore, Peter?" Mercy asked without turning around.

"Not a matter of trust rather a matter of I missed you." Peter sat beside her in the sand, gazing at the setting sun.

They sat in silence for a while until the sun peeked from the horizon, warming everything lucky enough to be in range.

"We should get back to camp, before anyone worried or has the wrong ideas." Peter whispered and helped Mercy up.

They walked back in silence, the sound of leaves rustling in the trees the only noise around them.

Peter stopped right before they got to his camp.

Mercy scowled and crossed her arms, "What's wrong now Peter?"

He ran a hand through his hair, "I should warn you about something before we get in,"

Mercy raised and eyebrow, "And what would that be Peter?"

He sighed, "Davina came to the camp looking for you. Said she wanted to apologize for being a bitch."

She scoffed, "She's the one who didn't want to see me. What cha-oh."


"Ariel went to talk with her, I guess she did a good job"

It was Peter's turn to raise an eyebrow. "I didn't realize you and the mermaid were so close."

"She's helped me in many ways, during the time you were spying on me," she paused to scowl, "I found the lagoon and Ariel was quite friendly. We became friends and she's helped me with what I needed since."


"I guess I should face my aunt now." Mercy sighed and stalked into the camp, Alex rushed up to her.

"Mercy! Davina went to the lagoon! She went looking for you anyway, even though I told her you'd be back soon! You've got to go get her!" Alex huffed.

"Easier said than done." Mercy grumbled and did a spin, vanishing from camp and reappearing by the lagoon's water.

Davina sat next to the edge, talking with a familiar red headed mermaid. Ariel beamed and waved Mercy over.

She cringed, "Hey Davina."

"I'm so sorry Mercy! I should've never lashed out at you! It wasn't your fault it was theirs! I broke the trust you finally gave back to me and I'm so deeply sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" A tear ran down her aunts cheek.

"You must earn my trust back, again." Mercy stood tall, standing two inches taller than her. An inch taller than her twin.

"I would expect nothing less from you," Davina's smile was small and sad, but still there and still a smile.

She wrapped her arms around Mercy, causing her to tense.

"Sorry," Mercy mumbled as Davina gave her a confused look, "I guess I haven't been hugged by you in a while, I'm not used to it anymore."

"It's okay, I haven't been here to do my job as Loving Aunt." Davina smiles.

"We should get back to camp. I'll talk to you later Ariel." Mercy waves at the mermaid before leading Davina towards the boys camp.
1054 words

So so so SO sorry for not getting this out to y'all sooner. I wasn't feeling great (still not but care too much to not get this out to y'all) and didn't have enough energy. I'll try to keep up with my regular updating schedule now. Catch you next week loves!


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