chapter one

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   The car had suddenly jerked to a stop outside a huge, old, and very much hogwarts-esque building

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The car had suddenly jerked to a stop outside a huge, old, and very much hogwarts-esque building. Talia hadn't even realized she'd fallen asleep until she noticed the cold on her cheek from leaning on the window. She had spent the whole day traveling and after a four hour delay she had been exhausted. The sky was cloudy and was just turning from a nice blue color to a blueish gray with hues of orange streaking across the sky from the sun setting behind the school.

About two weeks ago Talia heard some of the best news of her life. She had been accepted into the prestigious school of Gregorstoun with a full scholarship. Apparently the girl who had initially received it had given it up and paid instead, Talia had no idea why anyone would even do that but she wasn't complaining.

She had looked at countless pictures of the school but nothing could prepare her for the beautiful yet intimidating establishment in front of her.

She thanked the driver and got out of the car, insisting she was able to get her luggage just fine on her own. She hauled the green suitcase out of the trunk and started her trek up the long path to the door. The light coating of snow on the ground made it tricky to pull her suitcase but she managed as she walked closer to her new life.

Talia was starting a few months later than everybody because of the whole scholarship situation and that meant that everyone had already made friends which would be difficult for her. She had never been the best at making friends but going to a whole new country and not knowing a single person had sent her anxiety sky rocketing.

The wind rushed past her ears as she pushed open the door and shut it behind her. It was even more beautiful on the inside, if that was possible. The walls were lined with such intricate detail that Talia wondered how long it had taken to build just this one room.

Only a couple students were in the room, sitting in a lounge looking area. A couple of them stared at her but she shrugged it off and turned to the lady at the desk for help.



That was the room number she had gotten from the lady. Millions of thoughts raced through her head. What if her roommate didn't like her. What if she had a serious horse addiction. She had heard of those types of girl who went to this school. Horsey girls are what they called them. They were usually about 11 or 12 years old but that didn't stop her from stressing. The school housed children from years 6 to 12. The school was mostly for wealthy people, which made sense considering she was only able to be there because of the scholarship. Apparently even Crown Prince Alexander had gone to this school.

383, 385. Talia counted the numbers in her head. 387. Here it was.

She forced a deep breath before turned the door knob and pushing open the door.

What she saw next was not what she expected.

There were two beds, one on each side of the room, with a bedside table each and a dresser in the middle of them. One side of the room had a completely bare setup, a desk and a chair. The other was occupied by two girls making out on the bed. A golden haired girl was on top of the brunette and according to the hand positioned under the shirt and on the boob it looked like they had been in the position for a while.

"Holy fuck," Talia's words left her mouth before she could help it and the girls immediately separated, both their lips swollen and eyes wide.

All Talia could think of doing was shutting the door and that's just what she did.

After a few moments the door opened and the door opens and the brunette girl steps out. She's short with soft brown eyes and is wearing a gray sweatshirt with the words "geology rocks" across the front.

"I am so sorry for that," She says and gives a warm, apologetic smile. She's American which catches Talia by surprise.

"No it's okay, I just wasn't expecting that, you know?" Talia responded with a small laugh.

"We sorta lost track of time, heh. You got the scholarship right?" The girl asked.

"Yep that's me."

"I'm Millie, It's nice to meet you. I originally had the scholarship but Flora surprised me by paying for my spot instead," She said and gestured to the taller girl with golden hair, giving a slight eye roll in her direction. Her smile gave up the fact that she wasn't actually mad at her.

"I'm Talia, you're from America?" She let her surprise be known.

"Yeah, I'm from Houston. I came her because the geology of Scotland is so interesting. What about you?"

"You a such a nerd," The other girl, Flora, teased and slung her arm around Millie's shoulder.

"I'm from Florida. I guess I just needed a change, the schools down there weren't exactly the greatest," Talia said and laughed.

"Oh yeah I know, I went a couple years ago with my dad, it was fun but I can see why you need a change. Shoot, curfew is soon, I gotta get back to my room. I'll see you soon?"

"Definitely," Talia responded and watched as Millie quickly whispered something to Flora then gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, setting off down the hallway.

Flora watched her walk all the way down the hallway until she turned a corner and finally disappeared from sight. It was so obvious she was in love by the expression written on her face.

"The hall monitors will be checking for stragglers soon, we should get in the room," Flora said, her thick accent giving up the fact that she was a native.

Talia drug her suitcase in and dropped her heavy backpack on her bed. Her shoulders ached from the weight of her laptop.

She decided to quickly get her stuff ready, it was a Tuesday so that meant they had class today.
Talia piled the books she needed for tomorrow atop her desk and then plopped down on her bed, it was a bit firm but it would do.

The time on her phone read 8:45 pm which was a bit early to sleep but she didn't really care seeing as how she had been out and about all day and it seemed like Flora wasn't really interested in making conversation at the moment.

She pulled her blanket over her chest, not even bothering to change clothes, and slowly drifted to sleep.

first chapter💪💪 please vote bbs🫶

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