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I groaned as i sat in the same old spot in my science classroom, i really fucking hated science. It wasn't even that i didn't like the subject, we'd just always been stuck with boring old teachers who made it dull as hell. My thoughts were interrupted when a guy walked in. I looked him up and down, lanky, messy hair and big hazel brown eyes, to put it plainly he was drop dead gorgeous. I guessed he was a new student so i was rather confused when he began walking towards the whiteboard. He picked up a pen and in big letters wrote the words 'MR. BARAKAT'. Fuck. He was a teacher. Someone kill me now i think i may have a crush on my new teacher.

I didn't pay attention at all that lesson. How was I supposed to when that man was standing right in front of me? The worst thing was, i think he noticed. I mean it wasn't exactly hard to tell when I was constantly blushing and practically drooling over him.


Oh for fucks sake there goes the bell. 'okay class you can leave now' mr barakat said. God he had the sexiest tone to his voice. 'Oh but you at the front'. He pointed straight at me holy shit i had no idea what to do. 'Could you stay behind for a second'. CRAP how the fuck do i get out of this i thought. Well i couldn't now i guess, i packed my bag and made my way to his desk. He turned to me 'So what's your name dear?' 'Adriana' I replied. 'Ah well Adriana, i couldn't help but notice you seemed a little, well, distracted, in the lesson, is there anything you'd like to talk about?' oh shit 'yes i have a massive crush on you and would gladly fuck you on this table right here right now' i thought, but considering that would probably get me expelled i instead calmly said 'no Mr Barakat but thanks for your concern' as i turned away i felt him grab my hand, stunned i turned to face him and he cooly stated 'you forgot your book' passing it to me i couldn't help but think our fingers touched a little longer than was appropriate. I grabbed the book and walked swiftly out of the classroom.

Jesus what was this man doing to my head.

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