Off-Limits Chapter 3

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Adriana's P.O.V

After dinner that night I went upstairs to my room. Good thing about going to such a posh school was we had private bedrooms, it got a bit lonely sometimes but i liked to have my own space. Plus I could always go stay in a friends room if i really wanted. I sat and tried to think of a plan to get Mr. Barakat to see i was interested without going overboard and honestly i was stumped. It was getting late now and I decided it was about time to sneak out for my last cigarette of the day. I grabbed the pack from under my bed where i'd hidden it and put my hoodie over my pyjamas. Closing the door quietly I left my room and made my way outside. Once I was out I started to light it up when I thought I heard a voice. No, two voices. There were definitley people coming towards me. 'Fuck fuck fuck fuck.' I said under my breathe as i went to put out the cigarette but it was too late. 'Adriana?' I heard. Oh shit it was Mr. Barakat. But who the hell was that with him? 'Erm Adriana i'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be smoking out here.' Mr Barakat said. 'Oh shut up Jack it's not like you've never broken the rules before.' The other guy said. 'Alright fine, this is my friend Alex, he's not exactly supposed to be here so i'd appreciate if you kept quiet about this.' 'Of course.' I replied lighting up a new cigarette. As both Jack and Alex looked me up and down I became very aware of the fact that I was only wearing pyjamas and a hoodie. 'So this is Adriana.' Alex said. 'As in the Adriana you wouldn't stop talking about on the phone.' I looked up taken aback by this comment and noticed the bright shade of pink Mr. Barakat, i mean Jack, had turned. I giggled to myself. 'Well I can see why' Alex said rather smoothly. Now it was my turn to blush. 'So how do you two know each other?' I asked, seeing that Jack was a little irritated by Alex's last remarks. 'We've been friends since school, he's just here to have a look around and see what I've ended up doing with my life.' Jack said. 'Oh cool, well don't worry i won't tell on you guys.' I answered. 'So Ad, how old are you exactly?' Alex asked. I froze. No one had called me Ad in ages, well there was only one person who'd ever called me that to be honest and I really didn't want to think about him anymore. Too late, my mind was racing with thoughts of him now.


'AD I KNOW YOU'RE HOME GET OUT HERE NOW' he screamed, banging wildly at the door. I'd never been so scared in my life. Locking myself in my room I looked around for my phone. Fuck I'd left it downstairs. Did I have time to make a run for it? I needed to call the police. 'AD LET ME THE FUCK IN' he repeated. I had to get my phone. As fast as I possibly could I ran down the stairs. I could barely breathe. ''Have to get the phone'' I kept saying to myself. I was trying to stay sane but struggling. I knew what he was capable of. I could hear him trying to break the door down. THERE i saw my phone and grabbing it I turned and began to run up the stairs but just as i started i felt his hand  grab hold of my ankle, pulling me back with all of his strength. I fell straight on to my face as he dragged me down the stairs I called out for help. 'PLEASE PLEASE STOP' i begged him barely able to speak but he'd already decided I needed to be taught a lesson. Wrapping his hands around my neck he lifted me up and bashed my head into the wall, falling down my eyes drowned the rest of my face with tears. I could no longer even cry out for help. I just lay on the ground as he continued to kick me until I blacked out.


I could feel water begging to be shed from my eyes but I wouldn't let it. I ran, I had to get out of here, I couldn't let Jack see me like this. I looked like an embarrassing wreck. Come on Adriana pull yourself together. I didn't know exactly where I was running to but I knew I just had to get away for a while. I wondered off into the woods and once I felt like my legs were about to fall off I decided to sit down. It started off with a single tear and turned to floods. Why couldn't I just forget about him? Why did this have to continue to haunt me? 'Jesus Christ' I heard. Someone was here. As a figure emerged from behind a tree I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Jack. I mean I didn't particularly want him to see me like this but i'd rather see him than an axe murderer. 'You run really fucking fast and really fucking far.' He said in between breathes. 'Sorry' I mumbled.  'Now do you want to explain why you ran off?' I burst into tears again. He came and sat down next to me. Normally I'd be going crazy at this kind of close contact but i really wasn't in the mood. God why couldn't I just control myself, I must have looked like such a twat. 'Shh, it's okay.' he said softly, he put an arm around me and I curled into him resting my head on his shoulder. It felt so relaxing, so good to have someone care for me. 'Jack, why are you being so nice to me? I've probably just gone and ruined your night with Alex and I look like a blubbering mess.'

Jacks P.O.V

 I looked at her, she looked like she was about to start crying any second and before I even had time to say anything she bolted. 'Shit, what did I say?' Alex asked, confused. 'I'll go talk to her, don't worry man i'm sure it wasn't anything you did, i'll call you later.' I said goodbye to Alex and began to run. I could barely keep up, damn this girl knows how to run. I saw her begin to slow down as we neared the entrance of the woods. I finally managed to sort of catch up. 'Jesus Christ.' I said trying to get some breathe into my lungs. I walked slowly towards her 'You run really fucking fast and really fucking far.' I said. She mumbled something but I didn't quite catch it. I asked her why she ran off and she burst into tears. For fucks sake Jack, you're supposed to be making her feel better. I went and sat down next to her, wrapping an arm around her whispered 'it's okay' in the hopes that that would miraculously make her feel good, it didn't. Looking at her now she looked so vulnerable, so fractured. Nothing like the confident, head-strong girl i'd seen in class. She looked really rather beautiful. It made me want to help her. I wanted to make her feel better. 'Jack why are you being so nice to me? I've probably just gone and ruined your night with Alex and I look like a blubbering mess.' She asked me. Lifting her head up, I looked into her eyes and told her 'I think you look beautiful.'  I began to lean in towards her, holding myself back a little as I didn't want to ruin this perfect moment we'd just created by doing anything stupid. But as she leaned in I knew what was going to happen. I looked down at her lips then back up to her eyes, biting down on my lower lip i put my hand just underneath her chin to pull her closer to me. Our lips collided. This girl was just something else. I'd never felt so entranced by someone, she was magnificent. After a while she pulled away, she giggled slightly and i pulled her into my arms and we lay there until morning just enjoying each others company, never wanting the night to end. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2013 ⏰

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