Off-Limits Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I've been attending Saint Peters Boarding School  for almost 7 years now, making me 18 years old. It's an interesting school i guess, i remember feeling a bit like I was at Hogwarts when I first started, but the novelty wore off pretty quickly. Now I just can't wait to get out. I think the main reason my parents sent me here was so it would straighten me out, it had always been noticable that I wasn't like the rest of my family. I was never one for following rules, I think my parents would have cared more if I didn't already have the perfect older siblings. My brother, who recently got a degree in Law from Oxford, and my sister who is currently in America studying at Yale to become a doctor. Then there's me, "the other one who just sort of coasts her way through school and has no real ambitions." Thats actually a quote from my grandmother, charming woman. As you can tell I'm not exactly the favourite. But my family don't seem to mind too much, as long my sister and brother are achieving their dreams no one really minds what the hell I'm doing.

Sat in bed now I don't have time to think about my family. My mind is too busy whirling with thoughts of the new teacher who had got me a little hot under the collar to say the least. There was something about him maybe it was the hair, the way it looked like you could never tame it. Or how his eyes didn't just look straight through me, the way so many others had. Particuarly the way I knew I couldn't have have him. I mean who was I kidding? He was my teacher for fucks sake. The thought of bringing home a guy like that to meet my parents though, it would be hilarious. 'Stop it Adriana' I said to myself, he's off-limits, you can't. Still as I lay in bed my mind began to wonder, i wished so much to be able to run my fingers through his hair, to feel his hands running all over me. As i thought about it i let my hands run down my body. Picturing him roughly throwing me onto his desk i started rubbing myself through my underwear. I imagined the way he'd undress me, ripping my school blouse open and then i slipt my hands under my underwear, i moaned gently, eyes closed, visions of mr barakat kissing me all over. 'Uhh' i let out another moan, picking up the pace i pictured the way he'd look standing over me in nothing but a pair of boxers. 'Fuck.' I thought about how he'd feel inside me. In an attempt to feel something remotely similar i slipped a finger inside myself, bringing myself to a climax as i tried to muffle the noises escaping my mouth. 'Fuck, uhh, Mr Barakat' i half whispered as i finished off. Slipping into a deep sleep i wondered how I'd got myself into such a situation. How I could have fallen for a man so quickly. It was nothing like the usual me but there was something about him, something I'd never seen before.

Jack (Mr Barakat) 

Adriana. I'd always liked that name. She seemed like a sweet girl, plus she had a great pair of tits. Okay no Jack, you're a teacher now, you need to stop acting like a child. Those days are gone. It was going to be hard, I'd always been the kind of guy that didn't really give a shit but i needed to grow up now for my families sake. No more letting girls get in the way of things, even if they were extremely hot and had great tits. After my mum passed away last year I realised i needed to get my life in order, i had to make her proud. That meant getting a decent job and finding a good woman who i could raise a family with. Not some 17 year old who probably just wanted to loose her virginity before she left school, not that I wasn't tempted. As I've already mentioned, great tits.

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