The start to a amazing first date

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After a good couple of hours going over lines and other work shit it was finally time ,time for Noah's date with jack . He really didn't know what could really go wrong other than the fact he could get punched or slapped and go home in tears , but what was the worst that could happen? He texted Jack .

Noah: hey you outside ?
Jack : yup just got here 20 minutes ago I'm waiting outside in the back .

Alright a quick trip around the building without getting spotted how hard could that be Noah thought . But after everyone seeing how restless he was going over lines earlier he was Millie's prime subject to devote her attention to . "Hey how you doing u looked frazzled in rehearsal earlier " said millie with a worried look on her face . "Oh don't worry everything's fine I've just been thinking of a lot of things at once but it's really fine " Noah said while scratching the back of his head looking beyond millie straight at the door . "See this is what I mean " Millie snapped her fingers in front of Noah's eyes " I see your trying to rush out of here , are u mad at me or something? " "no not at all why would I " he said " Millie I love you and there's nothing wrong I just really need to go I promise I'll text u later " Noah said with a strained look in his eye dying to get out of there not make the other boy wait . "U promise " Millie said holding out her pinky " yes" Noah said holding out his pinky . Millie finally let him go and Noah was off speed walking his way down stairs to the back . he finally made it to the car and opened the door . " what took so damn long " said jack " Millie stopped to talk and u don't understand how long that can take " said Noah with an exhausted breath . "Alright while shall we get going " said jack . Noah nodded his head and sat down in the car . Jacks car was nice it looked clean . It had his sent every where from the seat belt to the door handle. Noah didn't wanna say it but he did love jacks sent it was one of many to few things he loved about him . Jack had a warm earthy sent . It made Noah feel warm . But he shouldn't let that get to his head knowing the person he was sitting right next to . So I know it's been awhile so I got u these , jack handed him a small thing of flowers . They were honestly some of the most beautiful flowers Noah's seen . They had an amazing sent and such bright vibrant Color's . "Thank u but you know u didn't have to " said Noah " but I wanted to I needed to I want u to know I'm making an effort for this for us " said jack . Noah didn't know what to say he couldn't come up with anything. The idea of jack making an effort and trying genuinely made him wanna smile and when he looked at jack . With his curly hair and his beautiful eyes that made his heart melt . He wanted him and he really really wanted this to work . " I want this to work " said Noah " I really want this to work , please don't make me seem like an idiot for this " said Noah pleading almost about to cry ." I won't I promise " said jack holding out his pinky , Noah put out his pinky and they locked them both smiling and looking at each other ready and actually happy to start there first date . Jack started the engine and they were off but from the windows Millie saw . She saw everything she needed to see .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2023 ⏰

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It started with a rice cake Millie  x Noah (THIS IS A JOKE I SWEAR )Where stories live. Discover now