Vecna's lair

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Currently, Vecna was in the upside down, tracking his new victim. He had snap, crackled popped all 4 of his victims, and now he only needed 1 more person. The final sacrifice.

He had been tracking people who had trauma in there lives, and alas he had found his 5th victim, a girl named Angela. Apparently, Angela used too be the Queen Bee in school but everything came crumbling down after a certain somebody sliced her nose clean off.

Now, Angela's got no nose.

In the 80s, it was a pretty big flex to have a nose. Sadly, Angela had no nose. Her boyfriend, Demogorgan Dan dumped her ass. Demogorgan Dan was the most hottest boy in school. He could open up his face and kill anyone in a second. His mother, Vecna, gave birth too him on May 27th 1969 right when she had killed his father. Like his mother, Demogorgan Dan had no nose, but the chicks didn't care. He had big, juicy biceps that anybody could suck on.

🎶And If I only could I'd make a deal with god and get him to swap our noses say if I only couuuuuuuuld🎶

Angela had been walking too school, listening to her favorite song 'Running up with no nose.'

Angela had never liked music, but this song she related to a lot. It was about the difficulties of people who have no nose, and how hard it is everyday too not sniff stuff. Yes, Angela most definitely could no sniff stuff, after all she had no nose.

'I think I've found myself a new victim' Vecna whispered to himself, cum dropping down his face. I MEAN MILK, YES, MILK dropping down his face.  GULP GULP GULP GULP GULP GULP GULP GULP was the sound that could be heard in Vecna's lair. He had just drank a whole ass bottle of Milk, and now he was full. He put on his peppa pig pajamas and lay on his bed, staring at the wall. 'Oh, Angela just you wait tomorrow night baba girl'

Vecna slept soothingly, listening too baa baa black sheep.

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