Jealousy, Jealousy

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It was morning and Angela looked at where she was. She bit her lip, trying to hide her smile. Her mind replayed the events that happened yesterday. Let's just say, it was a hell of a night.

''Good morning baba gril'' Vecna said, walking with a tray of human liver and Max Mayfield's broken bones.

''Good morning zaddy'' Angela responded, blushing as she said this. 

''How was you're sleep darling?''

''I don't think I could sleep after what you did too me.,'' Angela replied, while Vecna's cheeks turned red.

''That's what they all say, I destroy people in bed baba gril'' Vecna said, his deep voice becoming a tad higher.

Vecna picked up Angela bridal style, opening the door and going to a different room.

''Where are we going zaddy?'' Angela asked, still in the grasp of Vecna's big ass juicy biceps.

''Oh, somewhere you'll love darling.'' 

Vecna opened the door and Angela smiled. A decorative room was shown, filled with posters of Vecna, baa baa black sheep, barney and an unfamiliar pig.

''Uh zaddy, who's the pink pig in that poster?''

''Uh, n-none my little poopkin, just a nobody''

Angela just forget about it and started eating her breakfast, crunching on broken limbs, the victims of whom got snap, crackled pop by Vecna.

As Vecna and Angela ate joyously, there was someone hiding in there closet. 

It was peppa pig!

Apparently, Vecna had met Peppa pig at a bar in the upside down and they had been dating ever since then. Unfortunately, they broke up because Vecna caught Peppa pig cheating with Dora.


Loud noises filled the club as music started blaring full volume. Peppa pig was lap dancing with Barney as someone so perfect caught her eye full gaze. Peppa decide too go up to that man and grab his attention.

''Can I get a vodka, strong please?'' Vecna asked the bartender, the bartender none other than Shrek.

''You'll have to pay first'' Shrek answered, grumpily.

Vecna searched his pockets and pulled out an ak47 shooting Shrek, blood gushing everywhere. He decided to kill Shrek because he had no money to pay for the vodka, and decided he'd get it for free.

Suddenly, when he turned around he saw a sexy somebody dancing in a pole. 

'Mommy sorry mommy' Vecna whispered to himself, amused by this sexy person.

Peppa pig was strip dancing, under the amused eye of Vecna.

Peppa pig had an idea. Under the loud music blaring throughout the club, Peppa walked sexily to this big ass juicy monster and started to flirt with him.

''Hey vecnussy'' Peppa pig said in a flirty way, sitting in a little kid chair because she was to little to sit in the big kid's chair.

''Oh, uh, h-hey'' Vecna said, slightly stammering

''You caught my eye, you've got a juicy bicep'' 

''Oh, y-yeah I get that a lot''

''Really?'' Peppa pig said, biting her lip slowly, her eyes filled with lust.

They stared at each others eyes for what seemed like a while until a romantic song came up.

🎶 I found a love, foooor me 🎶

Vecna blushed, staring at Peppa pig's  plump lips.

🎶Darling just dive right in and follow my lead 🎶

Peppa pig stared at Vecna's juicy, raw lips

🎶Well I found a girl, beautiful and sweet🎶

Suddenly, as if it were destined, they kissed, sucking each others faces. Vecna picked Peppa pig up, bridal style and ran to his house with her still in his grasp. Finally they arrived at his house and he threw her on the bed, while Peppa pig oinked and giggled, awaiting for what was to come.

Ever since then, they had been in love. Drew romantic portraits together, slow danced too Peppa pig's favourite songs and cooked something special. That was when everything was good, until Peppa cheated on him. She had always wanted to see how Dora was like in bed and so she decided to try it, only later on realising that was her worst mistake in her entire life.

Peppa pig sighed, why did she have to ruin this. Jealousy flared in her body as Vecna and Angela danced to there song they once dance the night they met, Perfect by Ed sheeran.

I need to kill this girl, Peppa pig said before doing a loud oink and fart because she ate too much beans on toast in the morning.

''Angela, you and your ugly ass motherfucking no nosed self is dead.,'' Peppa pig said, gritting her teeth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2023 ⏰

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